
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing Wonder | all forms | exact matches only
makes you wonderпросто удивительно (From the sound of some of the things they do they couldn't organize putting that round paper roll on the holder properly. Makes you wonder how these guys make a living. ART Vancouver)
makes you wonderя удивляюсь (From the sound of some of the things they do they couldn't organize putting that round paper roll on the holder properly. Makes you wonder how these guys make a living. ART Vancouver)
one cannot but wonderневольно задумываешься (One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act. • You're so defensive that one cannot but wonder... • You cannot but wonder how much of the script is based on fact. (Cambridge Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
one cannot but wonderневольно задаёшься вопросом (also "you cannot": One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act. • You're so defensive that one cannot but wonder... • You cannot but wonder how much of the script is based on fact. (Cambridge Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
one can't help but to wonderнельзя не задаться вопросом (At some point during this sighting, the couple — and other unnamed eyewitnesses — stated that the UFO emitted a series of “fireballs” as it made its way northward. While these witnesses described “fireballs,” one can’t help but to wonder if these fireballs might be a long distance interpretation of the strange Morse code-like series of illuminated dashes that Jim Drummond claimed to have seen through his telescope. ART Vancouver)
one can't help but wonderневольно задумываешься (At some point during this sighting, the couple – and other unnamed eyewitnesses – stated that the UFO emitted a series of "fireballs" as it made its way northward. While these witnesses described "fireballs," one can't help but wonder if these fireballs might be a long distance interpretation of the strange Morse code-like series of illuminated dashes that Jim Drummond claimed to have seen through his telescope. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
one can't help but wonderневольно задаёшься вопросом (At some point during this sighting, the couple – and other unnamed eyewitnesses – stated that the UFO emitted a series of "fireballs" as it made its way northward. While these witnesses described "fireballs," one can't help but wonder if these fireballs might be a long distance interpretation of the strange Morse code-like series of illuminated dashes that Jim Drummond claimed to have seen through his telescope. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
we can only wonderможно только догадываться (The church dates back many centuries, and seems a likely place for such a haunting. We can only wonder what the ghostly monk was asking for. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
what next, I wonder?что будет дальше?
which makes us wonder ifчто наводит на мысль (Another account from 1976 in Blooming Grove on Farmingdale Road is on the map, which makes us wonder if that's a hotspot for BF. (wpdh.com) ART Vancouver)
you can't help but wonderневольно задумываешься (Travel through Switzerland and you can't help but wonder whether the geranium is the country's national flower. (Kathryn Clayton) ART Vancouver)
you can't help but wonderневольно задаёшься вопросом (Travel through Switzerland and you can't help but wonder whether the geranium is the country's national flower. (Kathryn Clayton) ART Vancouver)