
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Windows client | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Windows Activation Clientклиент активации Windows
Windows Client Protectionзащита рабочей станции Windows (A strategy including components and features of Windows Vista that allows system administrators to manage the system from one place by combining antivirus and anti-spyware software)
Windows 7 client security groups selectionвыбор групп безопасности клиента Windows 7 (Windows 8 ssn)
Windows Deployment Services is unable to create the initial folder structure for the client.Службам развёртывания Windows не удаётся создать начальную структуру папок для этого клиента (Windows Server 2008 Rori)
Windows Media clientклиент Windows Media (The ActiveX control called Windows Media Player that receives and renders content from Windows Media server components. The client can be on either the same computer as the server, or another computer)