
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Web | all forms | exact matches only
A free, public service that allows others to see your document in a web browserБесплатная общедоступная служба, с помощью которой другие пользователи могут просматривать ваш документ в веб-браузере (Office System 2013 Rori)
Access Web Datasheetвеб-таблица данных Access (An ActiveX component that is used to implement Datasheet view in SharePoint. Rori)
Access Web Services APIAPI веб-служб Access (An API that provides programmatic access to the capabilities on SharePoint)
AD FS-enabled Web serverвеб-сервер, поддерживающий службы федерации Active Directory (Rori)
Add Web ReferenceДобавить веб-ссылку (microsoft.com bojana)
AD FS Web Agentвеб-агент службы федерации Active Directory (An installable role service of AD FS that is used to create an AD FS-enabled Web server. An AD FS Web Agent consumes incoming security tokens and authentication cookies that are signed by a valid federation server-to either allow or deny a user access to the protected application-while taking into consideration application-specific access control settings)
AD FS-enabled Web serverвеб-сервер, поддерживающий службы федерации Active Directory (A Web server that is configured with the appropriate AD FS Web Agent software-either the claims-aware agent or the Windows token–based agent-which is necessary for authenticating and authorizing federated access to locally hosted, Web-based applications)
All questionnaires are to be answered using the public Web site?на все вопросы анкеты необходимо ответить, используя общий веб-узел? (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
Allow zooming on all web contentразрешить изменять масштаб для всего веб-контента (Windows Phone 8.1 Rori)
Also allows social networking, web chat, and web mail.Также разрешается использование социальных сетей, веб-чата и веб-почты (Windows Live Family Safety Wave 6 Rori)
an error occurred when previewing the Web Part.во время просмотра веб-части произошла ошибка (Office System 2010)
App Service Web Appsвеб-приложения службы приложений (A feature of App Service that allows developers to create and deploy business-scalable mission-critical web apps. Rori)
app webсайт приложения (A subweb site to which the SharePoint components of an app are deployed when the app is installed on a host web)
Application Catalog web service pointточка веб-службы каталога приложений (A Configuration Manager site system role that provides application information from the Software Library to the Application Catalog website. Rori)
Application with a Web user interfaceприложение с веб-интерфейсом пользователя (Visual Studio 2010 Rori)
ASP.NET mobile Web Formsвеб-формы ASP.NET для мобильных устройств (An extension to the ASP.NET Web Forms framework that targets mobile devices from cell phones to Pocket PCs)
ASP.NET Web APIвеб-API ASP.NET (A framework that lets developers use the .NET Framework to build HTTP services (for example, RESTful applications) that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices)
ASP.NET Web applicationвеб-приложение ASP.NET (An application that processes HTTP requests (Web requests) and executes on top ASP.NET. An ASP.NET Web application can include ASP.NET pages, XML Web services, HTTP handlers, and HTTP modules)
Associate a different Web site linkсопоставить с другой веб-ссылкой (An option that allows the user to replace the Web link attached to the To Do with a different web link. Rori)
Associate a Web linkсопоставить веб-ссылку (An option that allows the user to associate a Web site link with a Project To Do)
Associate a Web site linkсопоставить ссылку на веб-узел
Best of WebЛучшее в интернете (A curated list feature that highlights interesting and noteworthy web sites)
Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Serviceвеб-служба политик регистрации сертификатов (A role service within the AD CS server role that enables users and computers to obtain certificate enrollment policy information even when the computer is not a member of a domain or if a domain-joined computer is temporarily outside the security boundary of the corporate network. Rori)
Certificate Enrollment Web Serviceвеб-служба регистрации сертификатов (A role service within the AD CS server role that enables users and computers to enroll for and renew certificates even when the computer is not a member of a domain or if a domain-joined computer is temporarily outside the security boundary of the computer network. Rori)
Certification Authority Web Enrollmentслужба регистрации в центре сертификации через Интернет (The role service that provides a set of web pages that allow interaction with the Certification Authority role service. Rori)
Chart Web Partвеб-часть диаграммы (A Web Part that implements Web chart controls to visually display information in a variety of chart types in SharePoint. Rori)
client account partner discovery Web pageклиентская веб-страница обнаружения партнёров по учётным записям (The Web page that is used to interact with a user to determine which account partner the user belongs to when Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) cannot automatically determine which of the account partners should authenticate the user)
client logoff web pageклиентская веб-страница выхода (microsoft.com bojana)
client logon web pageклиентская веб-страница входа (microsoft.com bojana)
code comment Web reportвеб-отчёт комментариев кода (Web pages that enable you to browse the code structure within files in your current project or solution, such as objects and interfaces defined in a project. Rori)
coded Web testзакодированный веб-тест (A type of test that is typically created by converting an existing recorded Web test into C# or Visual Basic code. Rori)
Core Web Serverосновной веб-сервер (The Windows services that make up the core of IIS 7. The Core Web server provides the foundation for the modular architecture of IIS. Rori)
Dashboard Web Previewвеб-панель мониторинга (A Monitoring Server component that deploys a dashboard to a pre-configured preview Web site so that dashboard designers can see the completed dashboard prior to deploying it to a production SharePoint site. Rori)
disk-based web siteвеб-сайт на локальном компьютере (A web site hosted on a local computer. Rori)
disk-based web siteвеб-узел, находящийся на диске
Excel Web Accessвеб-клиент Excel
Excel Web Servicesвеб-службы Excel (The Excel Services component that provides programmatic access to its Web service. Rori)
Exchange Web Servicesвеб-службы Exchange (A set of features that provides a programming interface for accessing Microsoft Exchange data through the Client Access server role by using Web services)
External Data Grid Web Partвеб-часть таблицы внешних данных (A Web Part that displays a list of external items from a business application registered in the BDC Metadata Store)
External Data Item Builder Web Partвеб-часть построителя элементов внешних данных (A Web Part that creates an external item based on parameters in the query string and provides it to other Web Parts. This Web Part is used only on external data profile pages. Rori)
External Data Item Web Partвеб-часть элемента внешних данных (A Web Part that can display a single item in an external list)
External Data Related List Web Partвеб-часть списка связанных внешних данных (A Web Part that displays a list of related external items from a business application)
External Data Web Partsвеб-части внешних данных (Out-of-the-box Web Parts that are shipped as part of Business Connectivity Services. Rori)
Filter Web Partвеб-часть фильтра (A feature that enables users to modify dashboard views by changing the subset of data that is displayed in reports or scorecards. Rori)
front-end Web serverинтерфейсный веб-сервер (A server that hosts Web pages, performs processing tasks, and accepts requests from protocol clients and sends them to the appropriate back-end server for further processing. Rori)
host webхост-сайт (A SharePoint site to which an app is installed)
hostable web coreразмещаемое веб-ядро (microsoft.com bojana)
IIS Web Management Serviceслужба веб-управления IIS (A service that enables remote and delegated management of a Web server and its Web sites and applications)
InfoPath Form Web Partвеб-часть формы InfoPath (A Web Part that displays a browser-enabled InfoPath form)
Insert an HTML container to help you lay out and position content on a Web page.Вставка контейнера HTML, помогающего разместить контент на веб-странице (Office System 2013 Rori)
Jump Start your Web Site from Web Application GalleryНачните создание веб-сайта с коллекции веб-приложений (Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Rori)
launching web server with profilingзапуск веб-сервера с профилированием (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
library for performing JSON Web Token JWT Bearer Authenticationбиблиотека для проверки подлинности носителя веб-токенов JSON (JWT; Azure Active Directory Rori)
load-balanced Web serverвеб-сервер с балансировкой нагрузки (One of a group of Web servers that make up a server farm and are published by the same publishing rule)
Lync Web Schedulerвеб-планировщик Lync (A web-based meeting scheduling and management tool for users who don’t have access to Microsoft Outlook, or are on an operating system not based on Windows. With Lync Web Scheduler, you can create new meetings, change your existing meetings, and send invitations using your favorite email program. Rori)
Mark of the Webвеб-метка безопасности (A comment added to the HTML markup for a Web page. When a user opens the Web page from their local machine, Internet Explorer references this comment to determine the security zone in which it should run the page)
Meta tags are invisible bits of code that search engines often use to index Web sites.Метатеги – это неотображаемые фрагменты кода, часто используемые поисковыми системами для индексации веб-сайтов. (SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
Microsoft Office Excel Web Accessвеб-клиент Microsoft Office Excel
Microsoft Office Project Portfolio Web Accessвеб-клиент Microsoft Office Project Portfolio
Microsoft® Office Project Web AccessMicrosoft® Office Project Web Access, русская версия (The Web browser–based interface of Microsoft Office Project that project team members and stakeholders can use to access and update information stored in Microsoft Project Server, without having to install Microsoft Project on their computers)
Microsoft Office Web Componentsвеб-компоненты Microsoft Office (Microsoft COM controls that allow users to publish spreadsheets, charts, and databases to an intranet and edit published documents within a Web browser)
Microsoft Small Business Webузел Microsoft для малого бизнеса
Microsoft Small Business Webвеб-сайт корпорации Майкрософт для малого бизнеса (Microsoft's portal Web site for Small Business. Rori)
Microsoft Web Deployment Agent Serviceслужба агента веб-развёртывания (A Windows service that enables you to perform MS Deploy operations such as dump and sync over a network. By default, the remote service runs by using the Network Service account; Майкрософт)
Microsoft Web Deployment Toolсредство веб-развёртывания (A framework for automating the deployment of Web sites; Майкрософт)
Microsoft Web Platform Installerустановщик веб-платформы Майкрософт (A wizard that automates the installation of several commonly used Web technologies from a single installation point. These technologies include all the IIS features like ASP and ASP.NET, as well as Application Request Routing (ARR), Visual Web Developer Express, SQL Server Express, etc)
Microsoft Web Rating Systemсистема оценок веб-страниц (A content rating system for Web sites developed by Microsoft)
mobile webмобильный Интернет (Websites or services that are available to a web browser on a mobile device via WAP technology)
mobile web browserвеб-браузер мобильного устройства (A web browser designed for use on a mobile phone or device)
Monitoring Web Serviceвеб-служба мониторинга (A collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) that provide the core functionality of PerformancePoint Monitoring Server, connecting PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer to the Monitoring Server database, Dashboard Viewer for SharePoint, and data sources)
Monitoring Web Serviceвеб-служба мониторинга (A collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) that provide the core functionality of PerformancePoint Monitoring Server, connecting PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer to the Monitoring Server database, Dashboard Viewer for SharePoint, and data sources. Rori)
Office Web Apps Serverсервер Office Web Apps (A server role used with Office Web Applications in Lync Server to handle the sharing and rendering of PowerPoint presentations)
Office Web Componentsвеб-компоненты Office (Microsoft COM controls that allow users to publish spreadsheets, charts, and databases to an intranet and edit published documents within a Web browser. Rori)
Office Web Componentsвеб-компоненты Office (Microsoft COM controls that allow users to publish spreadsheets, charts, and databases to an intranet and edit published documents within a Web browser)
Online Responder web proxyвеб-прокси сетевого ответчика (The web proxy for the Online Responder that receives and decodes requests, and caches responses for a configurable period of time. Rori)
Online Viewers, powered by Office Web AppsOnline Viewers на основе Office Web Apps (A technology that enables users to view Office documents in full fidelity with Office Web Apps, no matter where those documents are stored online)
Outlook on the webOutlook в интернете (The Microsoft Office application–for use by both consumer and commercial users–that provides access to email, a personal calendar, group scheduling, task management, and collaboration applications via a web browser, running on Microsoft Exchange Server.)
Outlook Web Accessвеб-клиент Outlook
Outlook Web Access Lightоблегченная версия веб-клиента Outlook
Outlook Web Access Web Partвеб-часть Outlook Web Access (A piece of the user interface (UI) in Outlook Web Access that can be hosted in iframes as part of other Web applications such as SharePoint Portal Server portals. Outlook Web Access exposes a set of Outlook Web Access Web Part URLs that allow other applications to request certain portions of the Outlook Web Access UI. For example, another application can load the Outlook Web Access Web Part URL for the Inbox, Calendar, or Contact folder into an iframe hosted in that application)
Outlook Web Access Web Partвеб-часть веб-клиента Outlook
parent webродительский веб-узел
parent Webродительский веб-сайт (In a hierarchical structure, the Web site that contains the active site)
parent Web siteродительский веб-узел (SQL platon)
parent Web siteродительский веб-сайт (In a hierarchical structure, the Web site that contains the active site)
PerformancePoint Monitoring Server Web Serviceвеб-служба сервера мониторинга PerformancePoint (A collection of application programming interfaces (APIs) that provide the core functionality of PerformancePoint Monitoring Server, connecting PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer to the Monitoring Server database, Dashboard Viewer for SharePoint, and data sources)
personalized Web Partиндивидуально настроенная веб-часть (A shared Web Part that has been modified by a user in personal view. The changes made to a Web Part personalized in this way are visible only to the user who made those changes. Rori)
PowerPivot Web serviceвеб-служба PowerPivot (A Web service that performs request redirection for processing requests that are directed to a PowerPivot Engine service instance that is outside the farm)
preparing web server for profilingподготовка веб-сервера для профилирования (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
private Web Partличная веб-часть (A Web Part added to a Web Part Page by a user who is working on the page in personal view)
production Web serverрабочий веб-сервер (A Web server that hosts a live web site. A production Web server can be browsed by an Internet or intranet audience)
Project Web App Site Syncсинхронизация сайта Project Web App (A mechanism that synchronizes permissions from Project Server to the Project Web App site)
Provides a reliable, manageable, and scalable Web application infrastructure.Предоставляет надёжную, управляемую и масштабируемую инфраструктуру для веб-приложений. (Windows 7 Rori)
public web siteобщий веб-узел (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
public web siteобщедоступный веб-узел (Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard Rori)
public web siteобщедоступный веб-сайт (SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
Public Web Site Addressадрес общедоступного веб-сайта (SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
publish multiple Web sitesпубликация нескольких веб-сайтов (An option in a ISA Server web publishing wizard used to publish more than one Web site with a single run)
publish multiple Web sitesпубликация нескольких веб-узлов
Query Web Serviceвеб-служба запросов (A Provisioning Server Web service that responds to customer service related queries from solution providers Rori)
RAD Web Access ConfigurationНастройка веб-доступа к удалённым рабочим столам и приложениям RemoteApp (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
release to webокончательная версия для загрузки через интернет на конечное устройство пользователя (Alex_Odeychuk)
release to webвыпуск для цифрового распространения (цифровое распространение – способ распространения программного обеспечения без использования материального носителя, посредством загрузки через интернет на конечное устройство пользователя Alex_Odeychuk)
release to webокончательная версия для цифрового распространения (цифровое распространение – способ распространения программного обеспечения без использования материального носителя, посредством загрузки через интернет на конечное устройство пользователя Alex_Odeychuk)
release to webокончательная версия для распространения без использования материального носителя (Alex_Odeychuk)
Remote Desktop Services Licensing Web siteвеб-сайт лицензирования служб удалённых рабочих столов (A secure Microsoft Web site that is designed to help you manage your Windows 2000 or later license server and for you to obtain Remote Desktop Services client access license tokens. All information collected at this site is used to help you manage your Remote Desktop Services resources)
remote desktop services licensing web siteвеб-сайт лицензирования служб удалённых рабочих столов (ssn)
remote desktop web accessвеб-доступ к удалённым рабочим столам (ssn)
Remote Desktop Web Access Configurationнастройка веб-доступа к удалённым рабочим столам (In Remote Desktop Services, the site where you can configure the RD Web Access Web Part)
remote desktop web access configurationнастройка веб-доступа к удалённым рабочим столам (ssn)
Remote Desktop Web Connectionвеб-подключение к удалённому рабочему столу (A feature of Windows that when deployed on a Web server, allows a user to connect to remote desktop servers and other computers through a Web browser, even if the full Remote Desktop Connection client is not installed on the user's computer)
remote desktop web connectionвеб-подключение к удалённому рабочему столу (ssn)
RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Web serviceвеб-служба подключений к удалённым рабочим столам и приложениям RemoteApp (A Web service that is installed as a part of RAD Web Access to help client computers keep in sync with workspaces)
RemoteApp and Desktop Web Access ConfigurationНастройка веб-доступа к удалённым рабочим столам и приложениям RemoteApp (An option on the Remote Desktop Services menu on the Administrative Tools menu that opens the RAD Web Access Web site for administrative purposes)
Report Server Web serviceвеб-служба сервера отчётов (A Web service that hosts, processes, and delivers reports)
Report Web Partвеб-часть отчётов (A feature that allows users to view and interact with reports that are created in PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer. Rori)
Request Web Serviceвеб-служба запросов (A Web service that accepts requests from solution providers to manage computers with FlexGo technology. Rori)
root webкорневой веб-узел
Scorecard Web Partвеб-часть системы показателей (A feature that allows users to view and interact with scorecards that are created in PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer. Rori)
Search Administration Web Serviceвеб-служба администрирования поиска (A service over which the administration (that is all the methods necessary to control the Search service, such as starting content source index crawls, updating scopes, etc.) of the Microsoft Office SharePoint Search service takes place. Rori)
Search on Webпоиск в интернете (​A feature that enables the user to start a web search from text that is selected within a document)
server-based web siteсерверный веб-сайт (A web site hosted by a Web server, such as Microsoft Internet Information Server (MIIS). Rori)
server-based web siteвеб-узел, находящийся на сервере
service with a web user interfaceслужба с пользовательским веб-интерфейсом (Visual Studio Windows Azure Tools 1.4 Rori)
Set the intranet support Web pageУказание веб-страницы, поддерживающей интрасеть (Windows 10 Rori)
shared Web Partобщая веб-часть (A Web Part added to a Web Part Page by a user who is working on the page in shared view. Rori)
Show associated web pageПоказать связанную веб-страницу (Office System 2013 Rori)
Skype for WebSkype для браузера (The Skype web application for Skype instant messaging, Skype audio calls and Skype video calls. Rori)
SQL Web event providerПоставщик веб-событий SQL (.NET Framework 4 ssn)
Stack Selector Web Partвеб-часть выбора стека (A feature that enables users to show more than one view in a single location on a dashboard, and provides a control to switch between them. Rori)
staging Web siteпромежуточный веб-сайт (A Web site that is maintained on a private file or Web server. Rori)
static Web Partстатическая веб-часть (A Web Part that is added to a Web page (.aspx file) and that is not in a Web Part zone. Rori)
static Web Partстатическая веб-часть (A Web Part that is added to a Web page (.aspx file) and that is not in a Web Part zone)
Summary Link Web Part Tool Partинструментальная часть веб-части "Сводная ссылка" (Office System 2010 Rori)
team Web siteвеб-сайт группы (A customizable Web site with features that help a team work together. The default site has pages for document libraries, announcements, and team events. Only members, specified by the site creator, can use the site. Rori)
there is no usage data for this web.Отсутствуют данные об использовании этого веб-узла (SharePoint Team Services 2007)
this website provides social networking or web-based chat as the main feature or functionэтот веб-сайт предоставляет службу социальной сети или общения в интернете (Windows Live Family Safety Wave 6)
top-level Web siteвеб-сайт верхнего уровня (The default, top-level site provided by a Web server or virtual server. To gain access to the top-level Web site, you supply the URL of the server without specifying a page name or subsite. Rori)
top-level Web siteвеб-сайт верхнего уровня (The default, top-level site provided by a Web server or virtual server. To gain access to the top-level Web site, you supply the URL of the server without specifying a page name or subsite)
Use this page to access content from app web.Используйте эту страницу для доступа к контенту с сайта приложения (SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
we recommend that you follow this practice so that Internet users do not confuse your remote access Web site with your public Web site.Рекомендуется следовать этому совету, чтобы пользователи Интернета не путали веб-узел удалённого доступа с общедоступным веб-узлом. (Rori)
web access configurationнастройка веб-доступа (ssn)
web addressURL-адрес
Web Analytics service applicationприложение службы Web Analytics (A SharePoint service application that collects, reports, and analyzes the usage and effectiveness of SharePoint Server sites)
web app deployразвёртывание клиент-серверного приложения (в котором клиентом выступает обозреватель сайтов, а сервером – сервер интернета Alex_Odeychuk)
web app manageуправление клиент-серверным приложением (в котором клиентом выступает обозреватель сайтов, а сервером – сервер интернета Alex_Odeychuk)
Web app Open Platform Interfaceинтерфейс открытой платформы веб-приложений (An interface that enables a web application server (for example, Office Web Apps Server) to access and change files that are stored by a host server (such as SharePoint Server). Rori)
web application firewallбрандмауэр веб-приложения (An appliance, server plugin, or filter that applies a set of rules to an HTTP conversation to identify and block common attacks to web applications. Rori)
web application hybridгибридное веб-приложение (A web application that combines functionality or data from multiple sources into a single, integrated service, application, or medium Rori)
Web Application Proxyпрокси-служба веб-приложения (The Remote Access role service in Windows Server 2012 R2 that allows administrators to publish applications for external access. Rori)
web-based clientвеб-клиент (Andy)
Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioningпротокол WebDAV (A set of extensions to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaborative editing and file management between users located remotely from each other on the Internet)
Web-based e-mailвеб-служба электронной почты (Electronic mail that can be accessed through a Web site. Rori)
Web-Based Enterprise Managementуправление предприятием через Интернет (WBEM – An initiative undertaken by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) to provide enterprise system managers with a standard solution for management. Rori)
Web-Based Enterprise Managementуправление предприятием через Интернет (An initiative undertaken by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) to provide enterprise system managers with a standard solution for management; WBEM)
Web-based printingпечать на основе использования веба (Windows 7 Rori)
web-based seminarвеб-семинар (A seminar conducted through the Internet. Rori)
web-based toolвеб-средство (A web-based application utility or feature that aids in accomplishing a task or set of tasks. Rori)
web beaconвеб-маяк (harser)
web browserвеб-обозреватель
Web chatобщение в интернете
Web Clientвеб-клиент (harser)
Web clientвеб-клиент (A computer that uses a Web server)
Web conferenceвеб-конференция
web conferencingвеб-конференции (Functionality supplied by the Web Conferencing service such as data sharing, and uploading documents and PowerPoint presentations, by using whiteboards and desktop sharing. Rori)
Web Conferencing Edge Serverпограничный сервер веб-конференций (An Office Communications Server that resides in the perimeter network and enables data collaboration with external users. Rori)
Web Conferencing Serverсервер веб-конференций (An Office Communications Server that manages data collaboration (e.g., application sharing, polling) for online conferences. Rori)
Web.config fileфайл web.config (An XML file with the .config file name extension that contains settings for an application, Web site, or server. Common configuration files include Machine.config and Web.config)
web connectionвеб-подключение
Web Consoleвеб-консоль
web consoleвеб-консоль (The browser-based interface that allows you to access the monitoring and reporting workspaces according to your user role)
Web Content Filterфильтр веб-содержимого
web contextвеб-контекст (ssn)
web crawlerпоисковый модуль (An automated program that searches the Internet for new Web documents and places their addresses and content-related information in a database, which can be accessed with a search engine. Generally considered to be a type of bot, or Internet robot)
Web Deployвеб-развёртывание (A framework for automating the deployment of Web sites)
Web Deployment Agent Serviceслужба агента веб-развёртывания (A Windows service that enables you to perform MS Deploy operations such as dump and sync over a network. By default, the remote service runs by using the Network Service account. Rori)
Web Deployment Frameworkплатформа веб-развёртывания (The managed code framework that includes public APIs and the underlying deployment tool engine. This is the top-level node and cannot be removed)
Web deployment packageпакет веб-развёртывания (A compressed (.zip) file or a folder that contains web site files, that is used to deploy a web site in IIS. Rori)
Web Deployment Toolинструмент веб-развёртывания (A framework for automating the deployment of Web sites. Rori)
Web DesignВеб-дизайн (harser)
Web Design ModeРежим конструктора веб-страниц (harser)
Web Design RightsПрава веб-разработчика (harser)
Web Dialog Boxдиалоговое окно для веба (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
web directoryвеб-каталог (A list of Web sites, giving the URL and a description of each)
Web discussionвеб-дискуссия (Comments that users attach to Web pages and documents. Rori)
Web Distributed Authoring and Versioningпротокол WebDAV
Web Editвеб-редактор (A feature that simplifies the task of creating new SharePoint data. It makes it easier for users to enter free-form information or add photos, Web Parts or files to a SharePoint page. Rori)
Web e-mailвеб-почта (A content descriptor developed by Microsoft. Rori)
Web-enabledподдержка веб-доступа (Andy)
Web-enabled InfoPath formвеб-форма InfoPath
Web-enabled InfoPath form for mobile devicesвеб-форма InfoPath для мобильных устройств (A form that can be opened and filled in on a mobile device, like a PDA or smartphone)
web-enabled mobile phoneмобильный телефон с поддержкой веб-доступа (A mobile phone that can view web content by connecting directly to the Internet. Rori)
web eventвеб-событие (.NET Framework 4 ssn)
Web Event PageСобытия в интернете
web event providerпоставщик веб-событий (.NET Framework 4 ssn)
Web farmвеб-ферма
web feedвеб-канал
web filteringвеб-фильтр (A method of blocking access to websites based on their content. For example, In Windows Live Family Safety, parents can specify a filtering level, such as Strict or Basic, for their child)
Web Foldersвеб-папки
web formвеб-форма (Andy)
Web Formsвеб-формы (The ASP.NET page framework, which consists of programmable Web pages (called Web Forms pages) that contain reusable server controls)
Web Front Endклиентский веб-интерфейс (uar)
web front-end componentинтерфейсный веб-компонент (A component that interacts with the users and other external systems in various ways. Rori)
Web Historyжурнал просмотра веб-страниц (Windows 8, Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
Web hosting planплан размещения веб-сайтов (Azure Azure Ibiza PortalFX Rori)
Web hosting planплан веб-размещения (Azure Azure Ibiza PortalFX Rori)
Web Hosting Platformвеб-платформа размещения (Azure Windows Azure Antares Rori)
web Installerвеб-установщик (Andy)
Web Interface URLURL-адрес веб-интерфейса (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 ssn)
web layout viewрежим веб-документа (A view of a document as it will appear in a Web browser. For example, the document appears as one long page (without page breaks) and text and tables wrap to fit in the window)
Web Management Serviceслужба веб-управления (A service that enables remote and delegated management of a Web server and its Web sites and applications. Rori)
Web masterвеб-мастер (A person responsible for creating and maintaining a World Wide Web site. A webmaster is often responsible for responding to e-mail, ensuring the site is operating properly, creating and updating Web pages, and maintaining the overall structure and design of the site)
Web Meeting Placeкомната веб-собраний
Web methodвеб-метод (A procedure that is exposed to Web service clients as an operation that can be called on the Web service)
Web Noteвеб-заметка (A feature in the Spartan browser that allows customers to write or type on webpages from within the browser, using digital ink. Rori)
web packageвеб-пакет (A collection of files, settings, databases, and auxiliary information that is packaged as a file structure or as a compressed file for deployment)
Web pageстраница (A document on the World Wide Web. A Web page consists of an HTML file, with associated files for graphics and scripts, in a particular directory on a particular machine (and thus identifiable by an URL). Usually a Web page contains links to other Web pages)
Web pageвеб-страница
web pageвеб-страница (A document on the World Wide Web. A Web page consists of an HTML file, with associated files for graphics and scripts, in a particular directory on a particular machine (and thus identifiable by an URL). Usually a Web page contains links to other Web pages)
Web page Hover PanelПанель веб-страницы, открывающаяся при наведении указателя (SharePoint Search 2013 Rori)
Web Page Previewпредварительный просмотр веб-страницы (An option that displays the Web page in a Web browser. Rori)
Web page report viewпредставление веб-отчёта (A report type that contains a Web page. Rori)
Web Partвеб-часть (настраиваемый элемент управления страницы с обработкой на сервере (ASP .NET 2.0, Sharepoint) Adrax)
Web Part Behaviorповедение веб-части (.NET Framework 4 Rori)
Web Part description fileфайл описания веб-части (An .xml file that defines the default property settings for a Web Part, including references to other files that are required to run and display the part)
Web Part zoneзона веб-частей (A container with a set of properties that can be configured to control the organization and format of Web Parts on a Web Part Page. Rori)
Web Part zoneзона веб-частей (A container with a set of properties that can be configured to control the organization and format of Web Parts on a Web Part Page)
Web Partsвеб-части
Web Parts connectionсвязь веб-частей (An association between two server controls residing in a WebPartZoneBase zone that enables them to share data, with one control acting as the provider of data and the other control acting as the consumer. A connection is encapsulated within a System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPartConnection object)
Web Parts controlэлемент управления веб-частей (A control that is part of the Web Parts control set. Rori)
Web Parts control setнабор элементов управления веб-частей (The integrated set of ASP.NET software components that provide personalization, structural components such as zones and the WebPartManager control, Web Parts UI controls, and other components for building Web Parts controls and applications. Rori)
Web Parts pageстраница веб-частей (An ASP.NET Web page that includes Web Parts controls that let users personalize the page, such as selecting the information to display)
Web performance testвеб-тест производительности (A test type that targets the validation of Web pages and HTTP requests. Rori)
Web Performance Test Editorредактор веб-тестов производительности (The Visual Studio editor in which a Web test is edited. It displays a tree structure of request nodes. Rori)
Web Performance Test Result Viewerсредство просмотра результатов веб-тестов производительности (A Visual Studio window where Web tests are run and results are displayed. Rori)
Web PIустановщик веб-платформы (A wizard that automates the installation of several commonly used Web technologies from a single installation point. These technologies include all the IIS features like ASP and ASP.NET, as well as Application Request Routing (ARR), Visual Web Developer Express, SQL Server Express, etc. Rori)
Web Platform Installerустановщик веб-платформы (A wizard that automates the installation of several commonly used Web technologies from a single installation point. These technologies include all the IIS features like ASP and ASP.NET, as well as Application Request Routing (ARR), Visual Web Developer Express, SQL Server Express, etc)
Web playlistвеб-список воспроизведения (A playlist file (with an .isx file name extension) that is stored on the Web server and used by the Web Playlists feature. The file is an XML-formatted file)
Web Playlistsвеб-списки воспроизведения (The name of an extension that lets the user create server-controlled sequences of digital media content and to prevent caching of content on end-user computers)
web presence providerпоставщик места для веб-сайта (A Web hosting and Internet service provider who manages the Web server hardware and software required to make a Web site available on the Internet. Rori)
Web projectвеб-проект (A collection of files that specifies elements of a Web application)
web proxyвеб-прокси (A method exposed in a client object model to issue requests from SharePoint to a remote service that developers can use in apps for SharePoint)
Web publishingпубликация в интернете (The process of publishing content to an intranet or Internet site)
Web Publishing Serviceслужба веб-публикаций (The service that manages the IIS core components that process HTTP requests and configure and manage Web applications. Formerly known as W3SVC. Rori)
Web queryвеб-запрос (A query that retrieves data stored on your intranet or the Internet)
Web referenceвеб-ссылка
web releaseвыпуск для цифрового распространения (цифровое распространение – способ распространения программного обеспечения без использования материального носителя, посредством загрузки через интернет на конечное устройство пользователя Alex_Odeychuk)
web releaseокончательная версия для загрузки через интернет на конечное устройство пользователя (Alex_Odeychuk)
web releaseокончательная версия для цифрового распространения (цифровое распространение – способ распространения программного обеспечения без использования материального носителя, посредством загрузки через интернет на конечное устройство пользователя Alex_Odeychuk)
web releaseокончательная версия для распространения без использования материального носителя (напр., компакт-диска Alex_Odeychuk)
Web Request Throttlingрегулирование веб-запросов (A feature that offers improved reliability by throttling client requests and notifying SharePoint administrators when performance is in jeopardy. It monitors parameters such as available memory, number of requests in the queue, and wait times, and rejects incoming requests if performance values cross predefined thresholds. Rori)
Web restrictionsограничения посещения веб-узлов
web roleвеб-роль (A cloud service role that provides an operating environment for running web sites or applications as supported by Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0. Rori)
Web rootкорневой каталог документов
Web serverвеб-сервер (обслуживающий конечных пользователей)
Web server controlсерверный веб-элемент управления (An ASP.NET server control that belongs to the System.Web.UI.WebControls namespace. Rori)
Web Server Management Enumerator moduleмодуль перечислителя управления веб-сервером (A probe action module type that performs a WS-Management Enumerate operation. Rori)
Web Server protocolпротокол веб-серверов
Web serviceвеб-служба
web service connectorсоединитель веб-служб (ssn)
Web Service Description Language Schemaсхема WSDL (An interface implemented in the XML message format for describing the network services offered by the server)
Web Service Details windowокно сведений о веб-службе (Andy)
Web service endpointконечная точка веб-службы (An endpoint that exposes a Web service. Rori)
Web servicesвеб-службы (Protocols that enable computers to work together by exchanging messages. Web services are based on the standard protocols of XML, SOAP and WSDL, which allow them to interoperate across platforms and programming languages, including the ability to manage federated identities and security)
web services securityбезопасность веб-служб (WS-Security microsoft.com bojana)
Web Setup Captionsметки веб-настройки (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
Web Site Administration toolсредство администрирования веб-сайта (A set of prewritten ASP.NET pages that can be used by individuals with no programming skills to configure a Web application. Rori)
Web site administratorадминистратор веб-сайта (The person responsible for setting up and managing a website)
Web Site Certificate Wizardмастер сертификатов веб-узлов
Web site contentконтент веб-сайта (Audio, video, images, text, or any other information that is contained in a Web site. Rori)
Web SitesВеб-сайты (The Windows Azure hosting offer that is streamlined for fast and easy website deployments either running custom application code or popular open source web apps)
Web Sites in the Local Intranet ZoneВеб-узлы в зоне местной интрасети (Internet Explorer 9 Rori)
Web slideслайд веб-страницы
Web SSOединый вход в Интернет (microsoft.com bojana)
Web StorageВеб-хранилище (harser)
Web synchronizationвеб-синхронизация (In merge replication, a feature that lets you replicate data by using the HTTPS protocol. Rori)
Web Test Editorредактор веб-тестов (The Visual Studio editor in which a Web test is edited. It displays a tree structure of requests nodes. Rori)
Web Test Plug-insподключаемые модули веб-тестов (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
Web Test Recorderсредство записи веб-тестов (A feature in Visual Studio Team Edition that records the actions you perform while you browse a Web site. As you move through the site, recorded requests are added to the Web test. Rori)
Web Tutorialучебник по интернету
Web URLURL веб-узла (harser)
Web URLURL-адрес веб-узла (harser)
Web user interaction historyистория взаимодействия веб-пользователя (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
web viewerвеб-средство просмотра (A web-based viewer that displays generated reports in a web browser. Rori)
web worker APIAPI рабочих веб-процессов (The API that defines a way to run scripts in the background. Web Workers are specified in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)'s Web Workers specification)
Windows Azure Web SitesВеб-сайты Windows Azure (The Windows Azure hosting offer that is streamlined for fast and easy website deployments either running custom application code or popular open source web apps)
Windows Web Services APIAPI веб-служб Windows (A native-code implementation of SOAP that provides a foundation for building Web services for internal Microsoft customers such as components of Windows and parts of Office)
World Wide WebИнтернет (A set of interlinked documents in a hypertext system. The user enters the web through a home page)
World Wide Web Consortiumконсорциум W3C (A consortium of commercial and educational institutions that oversees research and promotes standards in all areas related to the World Wide Web)
World Wide Web Distributed Authoring and Versioningпротокол WebDAV (A set of extensions to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaborative editing and file management between users located remotely from each other on the Internet)
World Wide Web Publishing Serviceслужба веб-публикаций (The service that manages the IIS core components that process HTTP requests and configure and manage Web applications. Formerly known as W3SVC)
XML Web serviceXML-веб-служба (A unit of application logic providing data and services to other applications that can invoke Web protocols. Rori)