
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing WEAR | all forms | exact matches only
Constant dripping wears away the stoneКапля и камень точит (Maggie)
evening wearпарадная вечерняя форма одежды (clothing, esp. for women, that is suitable for formal social occasions the fifth floor is beginning to fill with men in dark suits and women in evening wear. From OxfordAmericanDictionary (En-En) Alexander Demidov)
evening wearпарадная вечерняя форма одежды (clothing, esp. for women, that is suitable for formal social occasions the fifth floor is beginning to fill with men in dark suits and women in evening wear. From OxfordAmericanDictionary (En-En) – АД)
excessive wearповышенный износ (превышающий нормативный Val_Ships)
quick-wear partбыстроизнашиваемая деталь (Val_Ships)
wear a brick in one's hatнаклюкаться (Bobrovska)
wear a brick in one's hatнапиться пьяным (Bobrovska)
wear and tearнормативный износ (Val_Ships)
wear bulletproof vestносить бронежилет (Taras)
wear Kevlar vestносить броник (Taras)
wear Kevlar vestносить бронежилет (Sir, we're going to ask that you wear your Kevlar and helmet Taras)
wear lipstickкраситься помадой (...until I say different, you are too young to wear lipstick Taras)
wear thinисчерпать (My patience with John was wearing thin. Val_Ships)