
Terms for subject United States containing VIDeo | all forms | exact matches only
adult video performerпорно актриса (bigmaxus)
adult video performerпорно актёр (bigmaxus)
Emergency Video Notarization RequirementsТребования к совершению нотариальных действий с использованием видеоконференцсвязи в условиях чрезвычайной ситуации (напр., в штате Северная Каролина sosnc.gov 'More)
video notarizationсовершение нотариальных действий с использованием видеоконференцсвязи (Video Notarization Requirements: 1. The parties must use video conference technology that allows for direct, real-time interaction between the principal signer(s) and the Notary. No pre-recorded video or audio is allowed. 2. The audio-video technology quality shall allow for clear visual observation of the face of each participant and clear visual observation of any identification being provided. It must also include audio clear enough that each participant can hear and understand all other participants (North Carolina, USA): Temporary Emergency Video Notarization Authorized sosnc.gov 'More)