
Terms for subject Internet containing VIDeo | all forms | exact matches only
cell phone video posted to social mediaвидеозапись с мобильного телефона, опубликованная в социальной сети (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
featured videoрекомендованное видео (на сервисах вроде Youtube Andy)
heavy video contentтяжёлый видео-контент (MichaelBurov)
heavy video contentтяжёлый видеоконтент (MichaelBurov)
improved live stream video managementулучшенные функции управления видео во время прямых трансляций (financial-engineer)
introductory videoвступительный видеоролик (translator911)
live stream video managementфункции управления видео во время прямых трансляций (financial-engineer)
live videoвидеотрансляция (Artemie)
post a video, footage onlineзалить видео в интернете (A group of fishermen in Florida were left scratching their heads at the sight of several strange-looking clouds that appeared to be alien in nature. The group subsequently posted the footage online in the hopes that someone could identify the puzzling phenomenon that they witnessed that day. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
post a video, footage onlineвыложить видео в интернете (A group of fishermen in Florida were left scratching their heads at the sight of several strange-looking clouds that appeared to be alien in nature. The group subsequently posted the footage online in the hopes that someone could identify the puzzling phenomenon that they witnessed that day. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
post a video, footage onlineразместить видео в интернете (A group of fishermen in Florida were left scratching their heads at the sight of several strange-looking clouds that appeared to be alien in nature. The group subsequently posted the footage online in the hopes that someone could identify the puzzling phenomenon that they witnessed that day. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
post a video, footage onlineопубликовать видео в интернете (A group of fishermen in Florida were left scratching their heads at the sight of several strange-looking clouds that appeared to be alien in nature. The group subsequently posted the footage online in the hopes that someone could identify the puzzling phenomenon that they witnessed that day. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
post a video, footage onlineразместить видеоролик в Сети (A group of fishermen in Florida were left scratching their heads at the sight of several strange-looking clouds that appeared to be alien in nature. The group subsequently posted the footage online in the hopes that someone could identify the puzzling phenomenon that they witnessed that day. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
post a video, footage onlineвыложить в сеть видео (A group of fishermen in Florida were left scratching their heads at the sight of several strange-looking clouds that appeared to be alien in nature. The group subsequently posted the footage online in the hopes that someone could identify the puzzling phenomenon that they witnessed that day. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
private videoчастное видео (Частные видео не внесены в список и доступны к просмотру только теми пользователями, кого вы укажете. wikihow.com Talmid)
product videoвидео с информацией о товаре (sankozh)
product videoвидео об изделии (sankozh)
product videoвидео о товаре (sankozh)
public videoобщедоступное видео (Общедоступные видео (Public videos) может найти и посмотреть любой пользователь. – wikihow.com Talmid)
related videosпохожие видео (vitatel)
share a video on social mediaподелиться видео в соцсетях (ART Vancouver)
teaching videoобучающее видео (Soulbringer)
testimonial videoвидеоотзыв (Andy)
to the right of the video detailsсправа от информации о видеоролике (financial-engineer)
unlisted videoвидео, не внесённое в список (Не внесенные в список видео доступны только тем, кому известна ссылка – wikihow.com Talmid)
upload a videoвыложить ролик (на своей странице ART Vancouver)
upload videosвыкладывать ролики (to Instagram – на своей странице в Instagram ART Vancouver)
video blogвидеоблог (Andrey Truhachev)
video bloggerвидеоблоггер (OlCher)
video contentинформационная видео-продукция (term used in contracts ART Vancouver)
video contentвидеоконтент (MichaelBurov)
video contentвидео-контент (MichaelBurov)
video detailsинформация о видеоролике (financial-engineer)
video infographicsвидео-инфографика (видео инфографика – goo.gl Artjaazz)
video logвидеоблог (wikipedia.org Andrey Truhachev)
video messageвидеопослание (Andrey Truhachev)
video playвоспроизведение видео (напр., на веб-странице Fajela)
video portionвидео-часть (The video portion of the Provider Video combined with user generated content ART Vancouver)
video previewпредварительный просмотр видео (ART Vancouver)
video snippetфрагмент видеоролика (E_Zvyagintseva)
video snippetвидеофрагмент (E_Zvyagintseva)
Video Testimonial Guidelinesруководство по составлению видеоотзывов (bigmaxus)
video thumbnailЗначок видео (vitatel)
watch online videosсмотреть видео в интернете (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
watch online videosпросматривать видеозаписи в сети (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
watch online videosпросматривать видеозаписи в интернете (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)