
Terms for subject Microsoft containing User account | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Create standard user accountСоздание стандартной учётной записи пользователя (Windows 8 Rori)
disabled user accountотключённая учётная запись пользователя (A user account that does not permit logging on. Rori)
disabled user accountотключённая учётная запись пользователя (A user account that does not permit logging on)
domain user accountучётная запись пользователя домена (SQL platon)
global user accountглобальная учётная запись (Andy)
global user accountглобальная учётная запись пользователя (Andy)
hosting user accountучётная запись размещения (Windows 8.1 Rori)
limited user accountучётная запись пользователя с ограниченными правами (A type of user account that prohibits users from changing most computer settings and deleting important files. While such a user can access applications, they generally cannot install software or hardware, among other things. Rori)
local user accountлокальная учётная запись пользователя (Andy)
local user accountлокальная учётная запись (Andy)
local user accountучётная запись локального пользователя (A user account on a specific computer. A local user account is available only on the computer where the local account is defined)
shared user accountсовместно используемая учётная запись (A single user account that is logged on to by multiple users)
UPN (A user account name sometimes referred to as the user logon name and a domain name identifying the domain in which the user account is located. This is the standard usage for logging on to a Windows domain. The format is: userимя участника-пользователя
user accountучётная запись пользователя (In Active Directory, an object that consists of all the information that defines a domain user, which includes user name, password, and groups in which the user account has membership. User accounts can be stored in either Active Directory or on your local computer)
User Account Controlконтроль учётных записей (A security feature that helps prevent unauthorized changes to a computer, by asking user for permission or administrator credentials before performing actions that could potentially affect the computer's operation or that change settings that affect multiple users)
User Account Control Compatibility Evaluatorоценщик совместимости с контролем учётных записей (A compatibility evaluator used to identify potential compatibility issues due to permission restrictions enforced by User Account Control (UAC), formerly known as Limited User Account (LUA). Rori)
User Account Control UAC Virtualizationвиртуализация контроля учётных записей (Windows 7 Rori)
user principal name (A user account name sometimes referred to as the user logon name and a domain name identifying the domain in which the user account is located. This is the standard usage for logging on to a Windows domain. The format is: userимя участника-пользователя
Windows domain user accountучётная запись пользователя домена Windows (SQL platon)
Windows user accountучётная запись пользователя Windows (All the information that defines a user to the operating system, including the user name and any required password, membership in groups, and the rights and permissions that are associated with the user)