
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing United States | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
talk United Statesговорить как настоящий американец (Anglophile)
talk United Statesговорить с американским акцентом (Anglophile)
the Country Above the United StatesКанада
United States Bullion Depositoryхранилище золотого запаса США (often known as Fort Knox, is a fortified vault building located next to the United States Army post of Fort Knox, Kentucky. It is operated by the United States Department of the Treasury Taras)
United States Bullion Depositoryдепозитарий драгоценных металлов США (Taras)
United States District Courthouseокружной суд США (название здания; in Northern District of California Taras)
United States War Production BoardКомитет военно-промышленного производства США (Alex_Odeychuk)