
Terms for subject Religion containing Union | all forms | exact matches only
All-Union Council of Evangelical Christians and BaptistsВсесоюзный совет христиан-баптистов (Voluntary association of Baptist churches in the former Soviet Union)
bible christian unionбиблейский христианский союз
Evangelical Christian Baptist UnionСоюз евангельских христиан-баптистов
Evangelical UnionЕвангелическая уния (Military alliance among the Protestant states of Germany for mutual protection against the growing power of the Roman Catholic states of Counterreformation Europe, 1608-21)
Evangelical UnionПротестантская уния
evangelical unionевангелический союз
Hebrew Union CollegeКолледж иудейского союза (The oldest Jewish seminary in the United States for the training of rabbis, long a stronghold of American Reform Judaism)
Hypostatic Unionтрёхипостасное единство (The union of the three Persons in the Trinity)
the International Federation of Christian Agricultural Workers UnionМеждународная федерация христианских профсоюзов сельскохозяйственных рабочих
the International Federation of Christian Miners' UnionsМеждународная федерация христианских профсоюзов горняков
the International Federation of Christian Trade UnionsМеждународная федерация христианских профсоюзов
International Union for Muslim ScholarsМеждународный союз мусульманских теологов (Alex_Odeychuk)
Modern Churchmen's UnionСоюз современных церковников
Mothers' UnionСоюз матерей (A Church of England women's society to strengthen Christian family life)
Protestant UnionПротестантская уния
Protestant UnionЕвангелическая уния
union churchцерковь единения (A local church uniting members of diverse denominational backgrounds in an interdenominational congregation)
Union of American Hebrew CongregationsСоюз американских иудейских конгрегации (Oldest American federation of Jewish congregations, which, since its founding in 1873, has sponsored many programs to strengthen Jewish congregations and promote Jewish education on every level)
Union of BrestБерестейская уния (она же Брестская уния YuliaO)
Union of BrześćБерестейская уния (она же Брестская уния YuliaO)
the Union of Orthodox Banner BearersСоюз православных хоругвеносцев (denghu)
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of AmericaСоюз ортодоксальных иудейских конгрегаций Америки (Official federation of Jewish Orthodox synagogues in the United States and Canada; its counterpart organization for rabbis is the Rabbinical Council of America)
union of pentecostalsобъединение пятидесятников
Union of Spiritual Communities of ChristСоюз Духовных Общин Христа (преемник Христианской Общины Вселенского Братства cyberleninka.ru dimock)
World Union for Progressive JudaismВсемирный союз прогрессивного иудаизма (A worldwide body of Reform or Liberal Judaism)