
Terms for subject Military containing Underwater Vehicle | all forms | in specified order only
battlespace preparation autonomous underwater vehicleавтономный подводный робот для подготовки акватории для боевых действий
cable-controlled underwater research vehicleуправляемый по проводам подводный исследовательский аппарат
mine disposal wire guided underwater vehicleподводный минный трал (управляемый по проводам)
mobile underwater vehicleсамоходный подводный аппарат
recce unmanned underwater vehicleразведывательный подводный необитаемый аппарат
recce unmanned underwater vehicleразведывательный телеуправляемый подводный аппарат
remotely operated underwater vehicleдистанционно управляемый подводный аппарат (A remotely operated underwater vehicle, commonly referred to as an ROV, is a tethered underwater vehicle. They are common in deepwater industries such as offshore hydrocarbon extraction. While the traditional abbreviation "ROV" stands for remotely operated vehicle, one must distinguish it from remote control vehicles operating on land or in the air. ROVs are unoccupied, highly maneuverable and operated by a person aboard a vessel. They are linked to the ship by either a neutrally buoyant tether or often when working in rough conditions or in deeper water a load carrying umbilical cable) is used along with a tether management system (TMS). WAD Alexander Demidov)
remotely operated underwater vehicleподводный аппарат с дистанционным управлением (ROV MichaelBurov)
remotely operated underwater vehicleдистанционно управляемый подводный аппарат (A remotely operated underwater vehicle, commonly referred to as an ROV, is a tethered underwater vehicle. They are common in deepwater industries such as offshore hydrocarbon extraction. While the traditional abbreviation "ROV" stands for remotely operated vehicle, one must distinguish it from remote control vehicles operating on land or in the air. ROVs are unoccupied, highly maneuverable and operated by a person aboard a vessel. They are linked to the ship by either a neutrally buoyant tether or often when working in rough conditions or in deeper water a load carrying umbilical cable is used along with a tether management system (TMS). WAD)
SP underwater swimmer vehicleсамоходный аппарат для транспортировки боевых пловцов
towed underwater swimmer vehicleбуксируемый аппарат для транспортировки боевых пловцов
unmanned underwater vehicleподводный необитаемый аппарат