
Terms for subject Architecture containing UPs | all forms
break up the massingнарушить монотонность фасада (To avoid long, boring, pedestrian-hostile facades, architects started "breaking up the massing." Unfortunately, it's usually done poorly and cheaply, causing buildings to look weird, fake, and almost random. (Twitter)  ART Vancouver)
break up the massingпреодолеть монотонность фасада (To avoid long, boring, pedestrian-hostile facades, architects started "breaking up the massing." Unfortunately, it's usually done poorly and cheaply, causing buildings to look weird, fake, and almost random. (Twitter)  ART Vancouver)
can house up toвместимостью до (The Commonwealth Stadium in McCauley, Alberta, famous for hosting Eskimo events, can house up to 60,081 people. It was purposefully designed for the 1978 Commonwealth Games. (austadiums.com) • Большой концертный зал вместимостью до 800 человек; фойе большого концертного зала вместимостью до 170 человек. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
capable of holding up toвместимостью до (Among Canada's biggest multipurpose arenas, there is one that stands out – BC Place, situated in Vancouver, British Columbia. This venue is home to Vancouver Whitecaps FC and BC Lions. Moreover, this field is capable of holding up to 54,500 people, which is why it was the venue where the 2010 Winter Olympics and the Paralympics Games of 2010 were organised. (austadiums.com) • Большой концертный зал вместимостью до 800 человек; фойе большого концертного зала вместимостью до 170 человек. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
make-up"пирог" (слои напольного покрытия yevsey)
up-draft ventilationвентиляция с продуванием воздуха вверх
up riverвверх по реке
up-riverвверх по течению (о местонахождении чего-либо)
up-stand wallпарапет (Ира Чалова)
up-townрасположенный в жилых кварталах города