
Terms for subject Figurative containing UPs | all forms
amped upвзволнованный (Mr. Wolf)
be up toбыть на высоте положения (Vadim Rouminsky)
be up toиметь возможность (в смысле, быть на высоте положения Vadim Rouminsky)
be up toбыть способным (в смысле, быть на высоте положения Vadim Rouminsky)
beat upупотчевать
beat upотпотчевать
bring upвоздоить
brought upвоздоенный
building upразгорание
cheer upсогревать
crack upразвихляться
crack-upнадлом (mental)
crop upнарисовываться (linton)
foul upговнять (impf of заговнять, изговнять)
give upпаснуть
he isn't up to that!кишка тонка!
higher-upsнаверху (наверху дело замяли – the affair was hushed up by the higher-ups Kydex)
huddle up againstприткнуться к (shops and businesses huddled up against the subway station – приткнувшиеся ART Vancouver)
keep upподживлять
keep up withсоследить
keep upподживить
making up forзаглаживание
making up forзагладка (= заглаживание)
making upзаглаживание (for)
mess upговнять (impf of заговнять, изговнять)
pack upсобирать чемоданы (A couple in Vancouver say they’re packing up and moving out of the city because it’s unaffordable to live there any longer. Sarah Stevenson, 61, says she and her husband make good money — about a couple hundred thousand dollars a year — but adds it’s no longer viable for them as they, like so many people, struggle with the ongoing cost of living crisis. (vancouver.citynews.ca) ART Vancouver)
pile upсвёртывать (Это глагол, а не предлог; impf of свернуть)
pile upсвёртывать
queue up forстановиться в очередь за (чем-л.: “We’re right at the back of the pack,” Williams says. “You don’t need to be an economist,” he says, to recognize living standards are going sideways or down for a lot of people. “Canadians have figured out for themselves that the economy isn’t performing very well. They’ve seen that in their personal lives, when they try to buy groceries, pay their rent, pay their mortgage, pay all their taxes and queue up for health care.” (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
scoop upскупать (The largest chunk of wealth in North America is now no longer tied up in buildings or machinery, it’s in urban residential land, which Prof. Patrick Condon maintains the global rich are now scooping up like stocks and bonds. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
screw upговнять (impf of заговнять, изговнять)
shake upперетряхать (= перетряхивать)
shake upперевёртывать
sober upпонять (As Western countries sober up to the realities of the Putin system and its dangers, it is time to close the legal loophole that allows parts of Russia's ruling class to take advantage of the English legal system. themoscowtimes.com VLZ_58)
speeding upфорсирование
spring upсоткаться
spring upсоткаться
stir upрасколыхать
stir upвзбудить
stir upраззудить (pf of раззуживать)
stir upворохнуть (semelfactive of ворошить)
stirring upнатравливание
that's a smart set-upэто хитрая механика
that's a smart set-upэто хитрая механика
turn upнахальный
turn upспесивый
Up and at 'em!пора вставать (sever_korrespondent)
Up and at 'em!проснись и пой (sever_korrespondent)
up the anteподнять планку (Telecaster)
up the anteподлить масла в огонь (Meanwhile, the Swiss Olympic Organizing Committee had already formally accepted the AHA application when the executive committee of the International Olympic Committee offered its opinion that both U.S. entries be denied. On January 20, the U.S. Olympic Committee upped the ante by voting 68-6 in favor of withdrawing all American athletes from the Games if the AHA were allowed to participate. rihhof.com VLZ_58)
up the anteподнять градус (SirReal)
up the anteподнимать ставки (increase what is at stake or under discussion, especially in a conflict or dispute: According to him, the West is not going to up the ante in this war. -- Запад не будет поднимать ставки в этой войне ART Vancouver)
up the anteповысить градус (4uzhoj)
up the anteвыйти на новый уровень (After successfully robbing a bank together, Mike and his friend Jeff decide to up the ante and clean out a Beverly Hills jewelry store.) ART Vancouver)
up the anteподнимать градус (напряжённости и т. п. VLZ_58)
up the anteподнять ставки (the announcement upped the ante in the take-over battle Olga Okuneva)
up the anteзамахнуться на что-нибудь покрупнее (After successfully robbing a bank together, Mike and his friend Jeff decide to up the ante and clean out a Beverly Hills jewelry store. ART Vancouver)
up the anteзаострить ситуацию (Liv Bliss)
up the anteподнять цену (Sensing how keen the people looking at the house were, Jerry upped the ante another $5,000. Val_Ships)
up the anteповысить ставки (the announcement upped the ante in the take-over battle Olga Okuneva)
washed-up"нафталин" (потерявший популярность,вышедший из моды andreon)
wind-upвзвинчивание (атмосферы, интереса, и т.д. Побеdа)