
Terms for subject Formal containing Times | all forms
after such a long timeпо прошествии столь долгого времени ("That's where a legendary, supernatural creature known as the Man-Monkey of England's Shropshire was seen, just a few weeks after the article was published. An escaped gorilla or a supernatural ape? After such a long time, the answer is unlikely to be found." mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
as time permitsкак только позволит время (Timeliness of notification determined by designated official – immediate or as time permits Alex_Odeychuk)
be effective as of the time ofвступать в силу с момента (The Updated Terms will be effective as of the time of posting, or such later date as may be specified in the Updated Terms. ART Vancouver)
due to the limited time frameс связи с ограниченными сроками (Due to the limited time frame within which Respondent's responsive pleadings must be filed, Respondent respectfully requests expedited consideration of this Motion. • The Board is unable to avail itself of necessary information due to the limited time frame provided for written comments. 4uzhoj)
due to time limitationsс связи с ограниченными сроками (Due to time limitations, these outcomes were not considered in detail by the working group on reporting guidelines and thus have not been included in this report. 4uzhoj)
for a later timeна более поздний срок
in a concrete time frameс конкретными сроками проведения (cnn.com Alex_Odeychuk)
in an uncertain timeв период неопределённости (Alex_Odeychuk)
in terms of the timeв плане времени (CNN, 2021 Alex_Odeychuk)
intrude on someone's timeзлоупотреблять вниманием (SirReal)
of our timesна современном этапе (The dominant ideology of our times is neoliberalism. – Господствующая идеология на современном этапе – это неолиберализм. Alex_Odeychuk)
several timesнеоднократно (igisheva)
suggest some other timesпредложить другое время (I can be available to meet you on Wednesday, February 11th at 11 a.m. Will that time work for you? If not, can you suggest some other times you are available on Wednesday? ART Vancouver)
trespass upon one's timeзлоупотреблять вниманием (SirReal)
until such time asдо тех пор, пока (formal: until the time when) . MWALD: He will be suspended from work until such time as this matter has been resolved Alexander Demidov)
until such time thatдо тех пор, пока (igisheva)
within the allotted timeв установленный срок (Ремедиос_П)
within the minimum period of timeв максимально короткие сроки (Soulbringer)