
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing Time | all forms | exact matches only
a fair amount of timeнемало времени (I'll be in Vancouver next week and am planning to spend a fair amount of time in Stanley Park, Gastown and Chinatown, and I've got some shopping to do. ART Vancouver)
a short span of timeкороткое время (Thinking that she may have fallen down the ridge, I looked down and there was nothing, no sign of her, and even if she had fallen the creek was not fast flowing enough for her to have been totally swept away in such a short span of time. Looking back towards the meadow also showed me that she was nowhere, even though if she had somehow changed course and returned she had only been out of sight for a split second and I should have seen her doing so. -- за такое короткое время mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
at one time or anotherв какой-то момент (Everyone feels jealous at one time or another. ART Vancouver)
be in for a long timeдолго ждать (Try ordering a meal in this restaurant and you may be in for a long time. – придётся долго ждать ART Vancouver)
been around for a long timeне один год (This has been around for a long time. -- Этой проблеме не один год. ART Vancouver)
better luck next timeв следующий раз повезёт
for a brief span of timeв течение короткого времени (What was this thing? The creature was only ever seen in the area of Matsudo and only for a brief span of time, leaving the impression that whatever it was it was probably only a passing visitor. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
for quite some timeдавненько (I haven't seen him for quite some time. – Я его давненько не видал. ART Vancouver)
good timeподходящий момент (Is this a good time to talk to your dad? • "Do you think sometime between 4 and 5 pm would be a good time to drop off the game tickets?" – "Yes, I think it would be a good time indeed!" • If you're thinking of selling your home, next year might be a good time. ART Vancouver)
have a good timeполучать удовольствие (Q: Why do women close their eyes during sex? A: Because they can't stand seeing a man have a good time. ART Vancouver)
I get that all the timeмне об этом постоянно говорят ("You're really tall!" "Yeah, I get that all the time." ART Vancouver)
in a short amount of timeза короткое время (In a curious big cat case out of England, a woman spotted what some believe to be a dead puma on the side of a road and, when she later went back to get a look at the creature, it had mysteriously vanished. The disappearance of the suspected big cat was particularly weird as it occurred in such a short amount of time, which led Roberts to speculate that "I think someone's seen my post and they've taken the animal." -- случилось за такое короткое время, что (coasttocoastam.com) • It has been effective in eliciting a range of lexical aspect categories in a short amount of time. (Cambridge English Corpus) ART Vancouver)
in the right place at the right timeв нужном месте в нужное время (Beitman is still collecting data, but he has drawn a few conclusions. The most commonly reported coincidences are associated with mass media: A person thinks of an idea and then hears or sees it on TV, the radio or the internet. Thinking of someone and then having that person call unexpectedly is next on the list, followed by being in the right place at the right time to advance one’s work, career or education. latimes.com ART Vancouver)
in the wrong place, at the wrong timeв неудачном месте в неудачное время (в русском языке часто употребляется и обратный порядок: "в неудачное время в неудачном месте": After shots were fired in downtown Vancouver last week, police were quick to say it was not related to the Lower Mainland gang conflict. Details about the shooting and the victim have been sparse, until now. Officers who were first on scene discovered the victim, a 46-year-old man. As Catherine Urquhart reports, the victim was in the wrong place at the wrong time. We’ve also learned the victim is a physician and that he was shot in the face. -- оказался в неудачное время в неудачном месте (globalnews.ca)  ART Vancouver)
it has taken a long time forпонадобилось немалое время, чтобы (+ infinitive: Although there are hundreds of good reports of ball lightning on record, many made by scientists, it has taken a long time for this phenomenon to gain scientific respectability. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
it has taken a long time forпотребовалось немало времени, чтобы (+ infinitive: Although there are hundreds of good reports of ball lightning on record, many made by scientists, it has taken a long time for this phenomenon to gain scientific respectability. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
it's a waste of timeэто напрасная потеря времени
it's been some timeпрошло уже немало времени (Dear ICBC, it's been some time and no word on my counter claim. You can scroll through our interactions on this matter. It's been some time and nothing!!! Why do I even pay monthly to ICBC for no results??? (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
just in time forкак нельзя более кстати (Just in time for the hot weather, we're opening our Ice Cream shop to help cool you off Thurs- Mon 12pm – 6pm! ART Vancouver)
just in time forкак нельзя более вовремя (Just in time for the hot weather, we're opening our Ice Cream shop to help cool you off Thurs- Mon 12pm – 6pm! ART Vancouver)
lots of timeуйма времени (ART Vancouver)
make timeнайти время (I really appreciate you made time for me. – нашли для меня время ART Vancouver)
most of the timeв большинстве случаев (The baby can identify the mother as someone who can figure out, most of the time, well enough what the baby needs. ART Vancouver)
not + verb + any time soonне скоро (With the vaccine shortages, pharmacists won't be giving you the jab any time soon. ART Vancouver)
plenty of timeуйма времени (ART Vancouver)
spare timeнайти время ("I think, Watson, that we must spare time to run down together on Saturday morning and make sure that this curious and inclusive investigation has no untoward ending." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ART Vancouver)
spend quality timeс пользой провести время (with someone ART Vancouver)
take the time and effortне пожалеть сил и времени ("Sulcatas are one of the largest tortoises that we have. And the reason that we call them tanks is because of their incredible ability to dig through, well, most people's houses," said Walton, who works at Dewdney Animal Hospital in Maple Ridge, about 45 kilometres east of Vancouver. "These can be wonderful pets if you take the time and effort, and have long-term planning and family members who are willing to take on this animal after you die," he said. cbc.ca ART Vancouver)
take your timeя вас не тороплю (Just take your time. – Я вас не тороплю. ART Vancouver)
Thank you for your time in Paris last weekБлагодарю Вас за то, что вы нашли время встретиться со мной на прошлой неделе в Париже
the time is nowсейчас самое время (igisheva)
the time is nowвремя пришло (для того, чтобы сделать что-либо igisheva)
the time is nowтеперь самое время (igisheva)
time for bedпора бай-бай (последняя строчка легендарной детской ТВ программы "Би-Би-Си" "Magic Roundabout" (1965-77гг.). В аналоге программы ЦТ "Спокойной ночи, малыши" эксцентричный персонаж Зебеди (Zebedee) произносил эти слова каждый вечер миллионам детей. См. The Oxford Dictionary of Catchphrases. Oxford Univ.Press, 2002. Leonid Dzhepko)
time for bedпора идти спать (последняя строчка легендарной детской ТВ программы "Би-Би-Си" "Magic Roundabout" (1965-77гг.). В аналоге программы ЦТ "Спокойной ночи, малыши" эксцентричный персонаж Зебеди (Zebedee) произносил эти слова каждый вечер миллионам детей. См. The Oxford Dictionary of Catchphrases. Oxford Univ.Press, 2002. Leonid Dzhepko)
time is getting on, we had better startвремя идёт, давайте начинать (Perhaps, as time is getting on, we had better start. ART Vancouver)
Time is running outвремени в обрез (Interex)
Time is running outвремя на исходе (Interex)
time is running shortвремя на исходе
time on your handsлишнее время (Interex)
time on your handsсвободное время (Interex)
time will tell on thatвремя покажет (Will the virus come back next year? Time will tell. • I talked to a person who is knowledgeable in urban planning and he said that the farmland and woodland north of Poulton Hall Road is unlikely to be built upon as it seems to be protected and conserved land. Time will tell, I guess. anomalien.com ART Vancouver)
time will tell whetherвремя покажет
we're limited in timeвремени в обрез (Alex_Odeychuk)
within a relatively short period of timeза сравнительно короткий период времени (If the petroglyphs were made within a relatively short period of time, they may tell a story, said James Dodd, a researcher at Aarhus University in Denmark and the Tanums Hällristningsmuseum's Rock Art Research Centre Underslös in Sweden. livescience.com ART Vancouver)
within a short space of timeза короткое время (Within that short space of time these things usually are sorted out. – За это короткое время обычно всё становится на свои места. ART Vancouver)
within a short span of timeза короткий период времени (One curious aspect of the UFO phenomenon is how many sightings seem to come in waves, with many witnesses coming forward in the same area within a short span of time, for whatever reasons. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
within a short span of timeза короткий промежуток времени (One curious aspect of the UFO phenomenon is how many sightings seem to come in waves, with many witnesses coming forward in the same area within a short span of time, for whatever reasons. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
within a short span of timeв течение короткого времени (One curious aspect of the UFO phenomenon is how many sightings seem to come in waves, with many witnesses coming forward in the same area within a short span of time, for whatever reasons. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)