
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Third Party | all forms | in specified order only
third partyсторонний производитель (A company that manufactures and sells accessories or peripherals for use with a major manufacturer's computer or peripheral, usually without any involvement from the major manufacturer)
third-party dependenciesзависимости сторонних разработчиков (Alex_Odeychuk)
third-party driverсторонний драйвер (A driver created or provided by an entity outside Microsoft (distributed by a developer or an OEM))
third-party libraryбиблиотека стороннего производителя (Alex_Odeychuk)
third-party logistics3PL-оператор (A party that provides logistics services to customers)
third-party platformsплатформы сторонних поставщиков (Alex_Odeychuk)
third-party sealсертификат третьей стороны
third-party updateобновление стороннего поставщика (An update published by a company other than Microsoft)
we respect your privacy settings on third-party networksмы учитываем параметры конфиденциальности сторонних социальных сетей (Outlook.com Wave 6)