
Terms for subject Patents containing Third Party | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
consent of third partyсогласие третьего лица
third partyтретья сторона
third partyтретье лицо
third party interventionвмешательство третьей стороны (the involvement of a third person or organization to help solve a disagreement between an employer and employees: The union was willing to co-operate with any third party intervention that may bring a satisfactory solution to the dispute. Cambridge Business English Dictionary. Alexander Demidov)
third party markзнак третьего лица
third party patentсторонний патент (igisheva)
third party patentпатент третьей стороны (igisheva)
third party rightsправа третьих лиц
third-party patentсторонний патент (igisheva)
third-party patentпатент третьей стороны (igisheva)
third-party rightправо третьих лиц