
Terms containing Technical Authority | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.Russian State Technical Authorityгостехнадзор (Victor Parno)
O&GState Technical Oversight AuthorityГостехнадзор (Alexander Demidov)
gen.Technical AuthorityОрган технического контроля (TA, ТК)
gen.technical authorityтехнический заказчик (Babcock has previously supported the WHLS and SSE equipment on UK submarines and provided technical support and spares under different contracts, but assuming the role of Technical Authority under this new contract will permit a greater level of autonomy regarding design improvements and the provision of proactive support to the waterfront maintenance staff and the end user of the equipment, which will support the MOD's drive to increase platform availability," said Jasper Saunders, Babcock Defense Systems Technology UK In-Service Support business manager. TFD Alexander Demidov)
O&G, sakh.Technical Authorityтехнический эксперт
O&GTechnical AuthorityОрган технического надзора (Exoreug)
nucl.pow.technical authorityПолномочия и авторитет в решении инженерно-технических проблем (также Technical Conscience, Engineering Authority, Engineering Conscience Vasilius Galkinus)
logist.technical authorityтехнический орган
O&Gtechnical authorityУполномоченный технический специалист (Oil&Gas Engineer)
gen.Technical AuthorityТехнический контролёр (SEIC ABelonogov)
O&G, sakh.Technical Authority LevelУровень ответственности за технический контроль
ed.Technical Education and Skills Development AuthorityУправление технического образования и повышения квалификации (Филиппины Kul'kova I.)
O&G, casp.Technical Group of the AuthorityТГПО (Yeldar Azanbayev)
O&G, casp.Technical Group of the Authorityтехническая группа полномочного органа (Yeldar Azanbayev)
gen.technical inspection authorityорган технического надзора (Alexander Demidov)
gen.technical inventory and record-keeping authorityорган технической инвентаризации и технического учёта
gen.technical inventory authorityорган технической инвентаризации (Alexander Demidov)