
Terms containing Supernatural | all forms | exact matches only
Makarov.a more general view that reality consists of two orders: the natural/the supernatural, the spatio-temporal/the eternalболее общее представление состоит в том, что реальность состоит из двух слоёв: естественный / сверхъестественный, пространственно-временной / вечный
gen.domain of the supernaturalсфера сверхъестественного (For Warren, there was nothing wrong with his mind at all. It was the domain of the supernatural that had him very much concerned. ART Vancouver)
gen.domain of the supernaturalмир сверхъестественного (For Warren, there was nothing wrong with his mind at all. It was the domain of the supernatural that had him very much concerned. ART Vancouver)
gen.domain of the supernaturalсфера сверхъестественных явлений (the domain of the supernatural ART Vancouver)
poeticsummon the supernatural powersпризвать силу невиданной мощи (Soulbringer)
poeticsummon the supernatural powers of the universeпризвать силу невиданной мощи (Soulbringer)
gen.supernatural abilitiesсверхъестественные способности (The woman arrived at his home (...) and ultimately decided that she simply had to have the cat and paid an astounding $83,000 for the creature. Intending to use the animal in her psychic practice, the "witch" expressed confidence to Dmitry that the cat would easily pay for itself via its supernatural abilities. – The Daily Mail ART Vancouver)
gen.supernatural beingсверхъестественное существо
gen.supernatural causeсверхъестественная причина (Michael had become increasingly concerned for his wife’s welfare and began to look for a supernatural cause for her illness. atlasobscura.com ART Vancouver)
myth.supernatural creatureпотустороннее существо (Soulbringer)
parapsych.supernatural entitiesнечистая сила (His interest in this subject began as a 12-year-old, when out in the woods, he heard a voice calling him by name along with strange digital beeps. The voice seemed to mimic his father's, yet he could tell it was not him. "Come here, I found something," the voice beckoned, but Marczenko resisted going to it. Through his research, he concluded that voices like this could be tied to cases where people vanish without a trace. Supernatural entities or "tricksters" inhabiting forested areas may seek to lull a person by calling out their name and are setting up a kind of trap, he posited. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
psychol.supernatural forceсверхъестественная сила (Soulbringer)
relig.supernatural forcesпотусторонние силы (Ася Кудрявцева)
math.supernatural numberсверхнатуральное число
gen.supernatural powersсверхъестественные силы (Andrey Truhachev)
relig.supernatural revelationоткровение свыше
gen.supernatural specialistспециалист по сверхъестественным явлениям (sankozh)
gen.supernatural specialistспециалист по сверхъестественному (sankozh)
relig.supernatural virtuesтеологические добродетели
relig.supernatural virtuesбиблейские добродетели
relig.supernatural virtuesхристианские добродетели
philos.the supernaturalсверхъестественное (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovikthe supernaturalсверхъестественный