
Terms for subject Ophthalmology containing Study | all forms
Advanced Glaucoma Intervention StudyИнтервенционное исследование глаукомы на поздней стадии (Ying)
age-related eye disease studyисследование возрастных заболеваний глаз (Korney)
Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment StudyСовместное исследование по лечению начальной глаукомы (Korney)
dispensing studyисследование с выдачей (When a sponsor company requires evidence on the ‘wearability' of a particular contact lens type or contact lens care product, the product will usually be issued to study subjects for use over a time period ranging from 1 week to 12 months. This is referred to as a dispensing study. Non-dispensing studies involve testing the products only during the study appointment. You do not take any contact lenses or products home with you. ilghiz)
non-dispensing studyисследование без выдачи (When a sponsor company requires evidence on the ‘wearability' of a particular contact lens type or contact lens care product, the product will usually be issued to study subjects for use over a time period ranging from 1 week to 12 months. This is referred to as a dispensing study. Non-dispensing studies involve testing the products only during the study appointment. You do not take any contact lenses or products home with you. ilghiz)
photokeratoscopic studyфотокератоскопия (неинвазивная методика получения топографической карты передней поверхности роговицы (кератотопография, корнеотопография, видеокератография) olga don)