
Terms for subject Microsoft containing State | all forms | exact matches only
Active State Power Managementуправление питанием в активном состоянии (A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use)
active-state power managementуправление питанием в активном состоянии (A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use)
Add state groupДобавить группу состояний (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
an allowed path from one state to anotherдопустимый переход из одного состояния в другое (Alex_Odeychuk)
Configuration Manager health state referenceссылка на состояние работоспособности Configuration Manager (A reference that is published to Active Directory to refer to Configuration Manager NAP policy and stored for the System Health Validator(SHV) to use in determining policy compliance)
Delete state groupУдалить группу состояний (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
error state codeкод состояния ошибки (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
error state numberномер состояния ошибки (A number associated with SQL Server messages that helps Microsoft support engineers find the specific code location that issued the message)
Exempt State TaxНеприменимый государственный налог (Microsoft Online Services (MOS) – Commerce Platform (OCP) Wave 14 2.0.1 – June 2011 ssn)
health state referenceссылка на состояние работоспособности (ssn)
idle state countсчётчик состояния простоя (Windows 8 ssn)
idle-state power managementуправление питанием в состоянии простоя
idle state typeтип состояния простоя (Windows 8 ssn)
ListView Item wrong state, cannot be initialized.Неверное состояние элемента ListView, инициализация невозможна (Windows 8.1 Rori)
Log Link State EventЖурнал событий состояния связи (Windows 8 ssn)
media state eventсобытие состояния носителя (Windows 8 ssn)
Microsoft SharePoint Server State Serviceслужба состояний сервера Microsoft SharePoint Server (ssn)
offline user state captureавтономный сбор данных о пользовательской среде (A type of user state capture that can be performed within Windows Preinstallation Environment phase without needing to boot into full OS)
profiling state of the Windows PE imageсостояние профилирования образа среды предустановки Windows (Windows 8 ssn)
protocol state eventсобытие состояния протокола (Windows 8 ssn)
readiness state IDидентификатор состояния готовности (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
saved state errorsошибки сохранённого состояния (Windows 8 ssn)
saved state of virtual machine with IDсохранённое состояние виртуальной машины с идентификатором (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
server state serviceслужба состояний сервера (ssn)
service state eventсобытие состояния службы (Windows 8 ssn)
Set state toЗадание состояния (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
setup state checkпроверка состояния установки (Windows Vista ssn)
solid-state driveтвёрдотельный накопитель (A primary storage device based on solid-state memory, such as flash memory, that provides nonvolatile storage with benefits of performance, reliability and power saving)
solid state driveтвёрдотельный накопитель (Windows 8 ssn)
solid state drivesтвёрдотельные накопители (Windows 8 ssn)
state actionsдействия с состоянием (System Center Operations Manager 2007 ssn)
state blockблок состояний (A collection of one or more device states that can be applied to a device with a single API call)
state captureсбор данных о состоянии (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
state change countчисло изменений состояния (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
state change dateдата изменения состояния (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
state contextконтекст состояния (A nested series of states, which represents the current state of a system)
state diagramграфик состояния (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
state endзавершение состояния (Windows 7 ssn)
state entriesзаписи о состоянии (Windows 8 ssn)
state flagsфлаги состояния (Windows 8 ssn)
state groupгруппа состояний (ssn)
state indicatorиндикатор состояния (An Operator Console command bar that shows the state of computers in a specified computer group)
state labelметка состояния (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
state machineконечный автомат (A graph of states and transitions that describes the response of an object of a given class to the receipt of outside stimuli. A state machine is attached to a class or method. A statechart diagram represents a state machine)
state machine workflowрабочий процесс конечного автомата (A workflow that is modeled in an event-driven manner as a state machine. Rori)
state managementуправление состоянием (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
state migrationмиграция состояния (ssn)
state migration pointточка миграции состояния (A Configuration Manager site system role that stores user state data while a computer is being migrated to a new operating system)
state nameимя состояния (Windows 8 ssn)
state objectобъект состояния (A collection of state variables for a particular protocol layer)
state of virtual machine with IDсостояние виртуальной машины с идентификатором (ssn)
state performanceпроизводительность состояния (ssn)
state performance counterсчётчик производительности состояния (A counter that monitors the immediate health state of an application by collecting a snapshot of configured performance counters at 5 minute intervals. This data is available for viewing trends in Application Diagnostics)
State/Provinceкрай (A UI element where the state or province of the location of a record, such as an account or contact, is indicated)
State/Provinceокруг (A UI element where the state or province of the location of a record, such as an account or contact, is indicated)
State/Provinceобласть (A UI element where the state or province of the location of a record, such as an account or contact, is indicated)
state serviceслужба состояний (Office System 2010 ssn)
state startначало состояния (Windows 7 ssn)
State Tax AmountСумма государственного налога (Microsoft Online Services (MOS) – Commerce Platform (OCP) Wave 14 2.0.1 – June 2011 ssn)
state viewпредставление состояния (System Center Operations Manager 2012 ssn)
test run state IDидентификатор состояния тестового запуска (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
user state captureсбор данных о пользовательской среде (Capability to use default settings and algorithms of Windows Easy Transfer to capture user files and settings. This capability includes logic to determine additional file types that may have been created or modified by users. Without default logic, capture is based on defined manifest of where to look for and what file formats to look for)
user state migrationмиграция состояния пользователей (microsoft.com bojana)
user state migrationмиграция пользовательской среды (microsoft.com bojana)
User State Migration Toolсредство миграции пользовательской среды (The tool designed to help IT professionals migrate files and settings to the next version of the Windows® operating system. Rori)
valid time state tableтаблица истории состояний (ssn)
valid time state tableтаблица истории состояний (A table that tracks the state of an entity over time using a valid-from and a valid-to column)
view state changeизменение состояния просмотра (.NET Framework 4.5 ssn)
Windows User State Migration Toolсредство миграции пользовательской среды Windows (The tool designed to help IT professionals migrate files and settings to the next version of the Windows® operating system)
Winsock State EventСобытие состояния Winsock (Windows 8 ssn)