
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Start | all forms | exact matches only
app startзапуск приложения (Windows Vista ssn)
auto-startавтозапуск (A feature of Windows Server AppFabric that allows a WCF or WF service to automatically start when it is created, or when IIS is started)
cycle start dateначальная дата цикла (The beginning date of the active period on which the variable compensation award is based)
cycle start dateдата начала цикла (The defined beginning of a period of time during which cycle items are active and can be acted upon)
empty console start pageпустая начальная страница консоли
Fiscal Start Dateдата начала финансового года (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
Force a specific Start backgroundПринудительно задать фон начального экрана (Windows 10 Rori)
Jump Start your Web Site from Web Application GalleryНачните создание веб-сайта с коллекции веб-приложений (Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Rori)
late start dateдата позднего начала (The last possible date a task could be started if all predecessor and successor tasks also start and finish on their late start and late finish dates. Rori)
NET START lists running servicesКоманда NET START выводит список запущенных служб (Windows 10 ssn)
New request is not allowed to start because it should come with valid transaction descriptor.не допускается запуск нового запроса, так как запрос должен содержать допустимый дескриптор транзакции (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
Office Start screenначальный экран Office (A screen that gives users quick access to recent documents and recommended templates when an Office application starts)
pin to startна рабочий стол (To add a shortcut to an application or part of an application or contact by fixing its tile to the Start screen. Rori)
Pin to Startзакрепить на начальном экране (The UI label for the button on the app bar that affixes a tile to the Start screen. Rori)
Pin to StartЗакрепить на начальном экране (The UI label for the button on the app bar that affixes a tile to the Start screen)
Quick StartБыстрый запуск (A virtual machine deployment that installs Remote Desktop Services on one server, creates a collection and publishes select RemoteApp programs)
Quick Startкраткое руководство
quick start guideкраткое руководство по началу работы (microsoft.com bojana)
remove drag-and-drop and context menus on the Start Menuудалить контекстные меню и меню перетаскивания для элементов меню "Пуск" (Windows 7 Rori)
snap-in console start pageначальная страница консоли оснастки
snap-in start pageначальная страница оснастки
soft startпрограммное начало
Start a New Conferenceначать новую конференцию (An item on the More/Actions menu that starts a conference with the person the user selects from the corporate address book. Also an item on the right-click menu for a person that starts a conference with the person)
Start a Video Conversationначать видеобеседу (The item on the Actions menu that starts a video conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
Start an Audio Conversationначать беседу (The item on the Actions menu that starts an audio conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
start angleначальный угол (The angle of rotation, between 0 and 360, at which the scale will begin. The zero (0) position is located at the bottom of the gauge, and the start angle rotates clockwise. For example, a start angle of 90 degrees starts the scale at the 9 o'clock position)
Start Application Sharing or Whiteboardзапустить общий доступ к приложениям или доску (The button on the toolbar in a conversation window that starts a sharing session with the participants of the current conversation)
Start Application Sharing or Whiteboardзапустить обмен приложениями или доску
Start As Event Trace SessionЗапустить как сеанс отслеживания событий (Windows 8 ssn)
Start automatic reconciliationНачать автоматическую выверку (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Start backgroundфон рабочего стола (A photo you can choose to use as the background for some Live Tiles on the Start screen. Rori)
Start buttonначальная кнопка (The hardware button on the phone, pressed to pressed to go to the Start screen)
start capначало (The start of a line)
Start charmчудо-кнопка "Пуск" (The charm that takes users to the Start screen)
start conditional eventначальное событие-условие (Office System 2010 SP1 ssn)
start dateдата начала (The date when a project or task is scheduled to begin)
Start date of period for forecast settlementДата начала периода прогнозного расчёта (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
start eventсобытие запуска (ssn)
Start Event RecordingНачать запись событий (Visual Studio 2010 SP1 ssn)
start failoverзапуск отработки отказа (Windows 8 Rori)
Start Failover WizardЗапустить мастер отработки отказа (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
Start Hereначните здесь (A phrase that clearly indicates to the customer to begin reading instructions at this point)
Start menuменю "Пуск" (A menu containing important and frequently used programs, folders, and utilities. To open the Start menu, click the Start button on the taskbar)
Start Menu restrictionsограничения меню "Пуск" (Settings that allow the administrator to restrict Start Menu attributes)
Start Menu restrictionsограничения меню "Пуск" (Settings that allow the administrator to restrict Start Menu attributes. Rori)
Start Microsoft Office Live Meetingзапустить Microsoft Office Live Meeting (The button on the main Communicator window that starts the Microsoft Office Live Meeting program)
Start Microsoft Office Live Meetingзапустить Microsoft Office Live Meeting (The item on the Actions menu that starts a Live Meeting session with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
start multiple eventначальное составное событие (Office System 2010 ssn)
start of raw string literalначало необработанного строкового литерала (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
start-of-authority resource record A record that indicates the starting point or original point of authority for information stored in a zone. The SOA resource record (RR) is the first RR created when adding a new zone. It also contains several parameters used by other computers that use DNS to determine how long they will use information for the zone and how often updates are requiredначальная запись зоны (SOA)
Start profiling changing page zoom levelЗапуск профилирования изменения масштаба страницы (System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 SP1 ssn)
Start profiling the grouping operationЗапуск профилирования операции группирования (System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 SP1 ssn)
Start profiling the ungrouping operationЗапуск профилирования операции разгруппирования (System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 R2 ssn)
start programзапуск программы (Visual Studio Web Tooling 2012 ssn)
Start Rebuildзапуск перестроения (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
Start screenначальный экран (The Windows home screen and replacement for the Start menu, which includes apps, websites, and other info that users can specify and customize)
Start screenРабочий стол (The Home screen of an unlocked Windows Phone)
start settingsпараметры запуска (Do not sync start settings – Не синхронизировать параметры запуска microsoft.com Dominator_Salvator)
Start Sharingначать сеанс совместного доступа (An item on the Actions menu that starts a sharing session with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
Start Sharingначать сеанс общего доступа
start signal eventначальное событие-сигнал (Office System 2010 SP1 ssn)
start stateсостояние запуска (Office System 2010 ssn)
start time of this eventвремя начала этого события (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
start timer eventначальное событие-таймер (Office System 2010 ssn)
Start Touch KeyboardЗапуск сенсорной клавиатуры (Windows 8 ssn)
Start Touch TrainingНачать обучение касаниям (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
Start visualizations automaticallyавтоматический запуск зрительных образов (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
start workflowзапустить рабочий процесс (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
state startначало состояния (Windows 7 ssn)
thread pool callback enqueue startначало постановки обратного вызова пула потоков в очередь (Windows 7 ssn)
thread pool callback enqueue startзапуск постановки в очередь обратного вызова пула потоков (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
Use solid color for Start backgroundИспользовать сплошной цвет для фона начального экрана (Windows 10 Rori)
warm startгорячая перезагрузка (The restarting of a running computer without first turning off the power)
your computer was unable to startне удалось запустить компьютер (Windows 8)