
Terms for subject General containing Special tax treatments | all forms | in specified order only
some financial instruments receive a special tax treatmentнекоторые финансовые инструменты пользуются особым налоговым режимом (Stas-Soleil)
special tax treatmentособый порядок налогообложения (Special Tax Treatment – Understanding how small business taxes work can help you save money on your tax returns. Learn how small business taxes work. Alexander Demidov)
special tax treatmentспециальный налоговый режим (In countries where capital gains are subject to special tax treatment, a distinction may be made between capital gains realized ... | ... company and the transferor can be subject to special tax treatment, provided that such restructuring has a reasonable commercial purpose, ... | Mr Mullin was, however, right to say the article reported how "MPs are subject to special tax treatment". Alexander Demidov)