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Terms for subject Mathematics containing Solving the | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
in the early 1960s the size and types of problems were limited both by the capacity of early computers and by the lack of algorithm technology for their solvingограничивались отсутствием алгоритмов их решения
solution time is essentially independent of the problem being solvedвремя решения практически не зависит от решаемой задачи
solve the areaнайти площадь (геометрической фигуры Norbertt)
solve the equationразрешать уравнение
solve the problemрешать задачу
solve the questionразрешать вопрос
solving the operations research modelsрешение моделей исследования операций (ssn)
solving the OR modelsрешение моделей исследования операций (ssn)
the above procedure can be used for approximately solving the problems of oscillatory system with distributed parametersразвитая выше методика может быть использована для численного решения задач ...
the change of the particle velocities is estimated by solving the above impulse equationsс импульсными правыми частями уравнения
the classical iterative methods for solving linear systems are based in writing the matrices asоснован на записи (на представлении)
the method for solving the problems in mechanicsметод
the method of solving these equations consists of numerically determining the plastic wave speed consistent with the measured deformationчисленное определение
the points are obtained by solvingэти точки на графике получаются решением (the points are obtained by solving Eqs. (2.6) , (2.8) simultaneously with (2.10))
the problem 1 is also solved in an elementary wayзадача 1 также решается элементарно
we have to solve the problemнам предстоит решить вопрос
we now turn to the problem of solving the linear systemпереходить к
when solving the dual problem is finished, we conclude thatзавершено решение задачи
when solving the equationsпри решении уравнений