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Terms containing SharePoint | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSAccess app for SharePointвеб-приложение Access для SharePoint (An app for SharePoint that is built by using Access and has its data stored in SQL Server or SQL Azure)
comp., MSapp for SharePointприложение для SharePoint (A cloud-enabled app that integrates rich, scenario-focused content and services into a SharePoint environment)
comp., MSApps for Office and SharePoint Developer CenterЦентр по разработке приложений для Office и SharePoint (A website that provides tools and resources to help developers create apps for Office and SharePoint)
comp., MSMicrosoft® Office SharePoint® Designer 2007Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Designer 2007, русская версия (An edition of a Microsoft product based on Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 technologies, optimized for creating and customizing Microsoft Office SharePoint Web sites and building workflow-enabled applications on Microsoft Office SharePoint technologies)
comp., MSMicrosoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007, русская версия, Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007 (A Microsoft server product that creates a portal Web site that allows users to share documents and search for information across the organization and enterprise within one extensible portal interface)
comp., MSMicrosoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007 for SearchMicrosoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007 для поиска (A version of a Microsoft enterprise-grade core search solution, designed to search content in common data repositories including file shares, Web sites, SharePoint sites, Microsoft Exchange Server Public Folders, and Lotus Notes databases)
comp., MSMicrosoft SharePoint 2010 for Internet Sites EnterpriseMicrosoft SharePoint 2010 Enterprise для интернет-сайтов (A license for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010 where the use of the software is only for Internet-facing websites, offering a larger number of features compared to the standard version. All content, information, and applications must be accessible to non-employees)
comp., MSMicrosoft SharePoint Products and Technologiesпродукты и технологии Microsoft SharePoint (A set of products and technologies that allow users in an organization to create, manage, and build their own collaborative Web sites and make them available throughout their organizations)
comp., MSMicrosoft SharePoint Server State Serviceслужба состояний сервера Microsoft SharePoint Server (ssn)
comp., MSMobile Access for Windows SharePoint Servicesмобильный доступ для служб Windows SharePoint Services (A feature that enables mobile devices, such as cellular phones, to access some SharePoint services)
comp., MSOffice-enabled app for SharePointприложение с поддержкой Office для SharePoint (An app that has both an Office and a SharePoint component)
comp., MSPerformancePoint Services in Microsoft SharePoint ServerPerformancePoint Services в Microsoft SharePoint Server (A collection of services for Microsoft SharePoint Server that enables users to monitor organizational goals, to analyze performance information through up-to-date content and context-rich dashboards and scorecards, and to use that information to make business decisions)
gen.put on the sharepointвыносить на обсуждение (sharepoint как communication and information platform Duttchess)
comp., MSSharePoint admin centerЦентр администрирования SharePoint (A web-based management portal from which a company's service administrator can manage their SharePoint Online service, including creating and deleting site collections, managing user accounts and storage quota, and specifying service settings)
progr.SharePoint deploymentразвёртывание SharePoint (ssn)
comp., MSSharePoint Developer CenterЦентр по разработке для SharePoint (A website that provides content and resources to help developers create custom solutions for SharePoint Foundation, SharePoint Server and SharePoint Designer)
comp., MSSharePoint Enabled BCS Solutionрешение BCS с поддержкой SharePoint (A package containing a set of external lists for offlining, along with associated business data actions and task panes)
comp., MSSharePoint groupгруппа SharePoint (A group of users that can be created on a SharePoint site to manage permissions to the site and to provide an e-mail distribution list for site users. A group can be used by many sites in one site collection)
progr.SharePoint infrastructureинфраструктура SharePoint (ssn)
comp., MSSharePoint integrated modeрежим интеграции с SharePoint (SQL platon)
comp., MSSharePoint integrated permission modelмодель интегрированных разрешений SharePoint (A security model in which Project Server permissions are derived from SharePoint. Rori)
comp., MSSharePoint integrated permission modelмодель интегрированных разрешений SharePoint (A security model in which Project Server permissions are derived from SharePoint)
comp., MSSharePoint list indicatorиндикатор списка SharePoint (The title of a dialog page that enables the user to set up a SharePoint list indicator by setting name, description, list URL, indicator value, indicator appearance, etc. The indicator value can be specified based on number or percentage of certain column values, or certain aggregate data)
comp., MSSharePoint Maintenance Managerдиспетчер обслуживания SharePoint (An administrative tool that examines a computer, server farm, or server cluster against an optimal set of procedures and functional principles for that configuration, and reports possible issues)
comp., MSSharePoint Online Administration CenterЦентр администрирования SharePoint Online (A web-based management portal from which a company's service administrator can manage their SharePoint Online service, including creating and deleting site collections, managing user accounts and storage quota, and specifying service settings)
comp., MSSharePoint Online Storageхранилище SharePoint Online (The storage space to create site collections. The storage size may differ due to different online services purchased)
comp., MSSharePoint Productsпродукты SharePoint (A set of products and technologies that allow users in an organization to create, manage, and build their own collaborative Web sites and make them available throughout their organizations)
comp., MSSharePoint Products and Technologiesпродукты и технологии SharePoint (A set of products and technologies that allow users in an organization to create, manage, and build their own collaborative Web sites and make them available throughout their organizations)
comp., MSSharePoint Publishing Wizardмастер публикации SharePoint (The wizard used to publish sharepoint sites and servers)
comp., MSSharePoint Translation Servicesслужбы перевода SharePoint (A collection of extensible features that allows customers to use machine translation or external translation vendors to translate their website content)
comp., MSVisio Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010службы Visio в Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 (A server technology that enables users to load, and display Visio drawings on Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010)
gen.Windows SharePoint ServicesСлужбы Windows SharePoint Services (Многофункциональная технология в составе серверной системы Windows Server™ 2003, позволяющая компаниям и бизнес-подразделениям любого размера повышать эффективность ключевых бизнес-процессов и продуктивность рабочих групп. Georgy Moiseenko)