
Terms for subject Religion containing Seminary | all forms | exact matches only
early-morning seminaryутренние занятия семинарии
home study seminaryсеминария домашнего обучения
Jewish Theological Seminary of AmericaИудейская теологическая семинария Америки (The academic and spiritual centre of Conservative Judaism in the United States)
major seminaryсеминария высшей ступени (A Roman Catholic seminary giving the entire six years of senior college and theological training required for major orders)
minor seminaryсеминария первой ступени (A Roman Catholic seminary giving all or part of high school and junior college training with emphasis on preparing candidates for a major seminary)
religious seminaryдуховное училище (Alex_Odeychuk)
religious seminaryрелигиозное училище (Alex_Odeychuk)
religious seminaryдуховная семинария (Alex_Odeychuk)
religious seminaryтеологическая семинария (Alex_Odeychuk)
seminary principalдиректор семинарии
seminary studentбогослов
theological seminaryдуховная семинария (Alex_Odeychuk)
theological seminaryтеологическая семинария (Alex_Odeychuk)