
Terms for subject Psychotherapy containing Self | all forms | exact matches only
Adolescent Self-Assessment ProfileПрофиль самооценки подростков (Wolfskin14)
be their true selfбыть самим собой (The primary goal of therapy is helping people to find and be their true self. This means looking at who you really are, the relationships you are in, and what stops you from having the life you want. It also means getting help in learning what isn’t working, understanding why it’s not working, and changing things so your life does work for you. Therapy is a process of self-discovery: a careful, supportive exploration of how you act, think, feel, and relate to others today and how those all have been affected by your life experiences. It is also an opportunity to grow and develop new and more effective ways of interacting and communicating in your relationships. In therapy you may gain the awareness that comes from understanding, the freedom from outmoded patterns of acting and reacting, the strength to tolerate life’s pains, and the capacity to tolerate its pleasures. The result is what we all want: the ability to feel good about yourself, to enjoy yourself, and to have satisfying relationships with others. Alex_Odeychuk)
Examination of Anomalous Self-ExperienceОценки аномального собственного опыта (Alopha)
false selfложная самость (термин Винникотта DmSin)
have healthy self-esteemиметь нормальную самооценку (Alex_Odeychuk)
have healthy self-esteemиметь здоровую самооценку (Alex_Odeychuk)
intense self analysisглубокий самоанализ (Alex_Odeychuk)
Inventory of Psychotic-Like Anomalous Self-Experiences – IPASEОпросник психотического аномального собственного опыта (Alopha)
noticing selfнаблюдающее Я (Термин майндфулнесс, техника АСТ AKarp)
self-as-contextсамонаблюдение (АСТ AKarp)
self-defeating behavioursсаморазрушающее поведение (Alex_Odeychuk)
self-defeating beliefsиррациональные когнитивные установки (Alex_Odeychuk)
self-defeating beliefsиррациональными верования (Alex_Odeychuk)
self-defeating beliefsубеждения, ведущие к саморазрушению (Alex_Odeychuk)
self-defeating beliefsиррациональные убеждения (Alex_Odeychuk)
self-defeatingnessсаморазрушительность (Alex_Odeychuk)
self-defeatismсаморазрушительный характер (Alex_Odeychuk)
self-defeatismсаморазрушительность (Alex_Odeychuk)
self-expansionсамораскрытие (MichaelBurov)
self-exposureсамоэкспозиция (Miss Martyshka)
self-fulfilmentсамосовершенствование (Galaktic)
self-invalidationсамоинвалидация (soulveig)
self-perpetuating cycleпорочный круг (VPK)
self-suppressionсамоподавление (MichaelBurov)
self-trauma modelмодель самотравмы (soulveig)
social selfсоциальное "я"
social selfотражённое "я"
total selfцельная самость (soulveig)
true selfистинная самость (термин Винникотта DmSin)
vigorous self analysisактивный самоанализ (Alex_Odeychuk)