
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Secondary | all forms | exact matches only
active secondary databaseактивная база данных-получатель (ssn)
Add secondary intranet search locationsДобавление дополнительных служб поиска в интрасети (Windows 10 Rori)
secondary client computerдополнительный клиентский компьютер (A client computer on which synchronization does not take place. Rori)
secondary customerдополнительный клиент (A customer that is linked to the primary customer in a customer relationship)
secondary data usesнесанкционированное использование данных
secondary databaseбаза данных-получатель
secondary feature blockдополнительный функциональный блок (The remainder of the application package that is not contained in the primary feature block. This content is streamed to the client on demand as application features are used)
secondary federation serverвторичный сервер федерации (microsoft.com bojana)
secondary interfaceвторичный интерфейс (Windows 8 ssn)
secondary protectionдополнительная защита (A type of protection in which data on the protected server is protected by a primary DPM server and the replica on the primary DPM server is protected by a secondary DPM server)
secondary quotationвторичное предложение (A quotation that competes with other quotations for the same good or service and is linked to a primary quotation)
secondary replicaвторичная реплика (stachel)
secondary serverсервер-получатель (In a log shipping configuration, the server instance where the secondary database resides. At regular intervals, the secondary server copies the latest log backup from the primary database and restores the log to the secondary database. The secondary server is a warm standby server)
secondary siteвторичный сайт (An SMS/Configuration Manager site that does not have access to a SQL Server database, is always a child of a primary site, and is administered solely through its parent or through another primary site above it in the SMS/Configuration Manager site hierarchy)
secondary siteдополнительный сайт
secondary tileвспомогательная плитка (A shortcut to places within an app or to other content)
Secondary tile is uninstalledВспомогательная плитка удалена (Windows 8 ssn)
secondary windowвторичное окно (A window that provides information or supplemental interaction related to objects in a primary window)
secondary zoneдополнительная зона (A read-only copy of a DNS zone that is transferred from an authoritative DNS server to another DNS server to provide redundancy)
Transaction amount in a secondary currencyСумма проводки во вторичной валюте (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)