
Terms for subject Religion containing Sea | all forms | exact matches only
Dead Sea ScrollsРукописи Мёртвого моря (Ancient manuscripts of leather, papyrus, and copper discovered in desert caves and ancient ruins in the wilderness of Judaea)
Dead Sea ScrollsКумранские рукописи (moevot)
molten seaлитое из меди море
More Sea BibleБиблия, где моря больше (An edition of 1641 in which Rv:21:l reads: "and there was more sea", instead of "no more sea")
sea-born goddessАфродита
sea-born goddessбогиня, вышедшая из пены морской (Aphrodite)
sea-godбог моря (A god that represents or personifies the ocean in various religions)
sea-goddessбогиня моря (A goddess that represents or personifies the ocean in various religions)
Sea of Galileeозеро Геннисаретское
Sea of Galileeморе Галилейское
sea of GalileeГалилейское море
sea serpent A serpentine monster supposed to inhabit the depths of the oceanзмей морской