
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Script | all forms | exact matches only
active scriptактивный сценарий
call scriptсценарий вызова (ssn)
change scriptсценарий изменений (A text file that contains SQL statements for all changes made to a database, in the order in which they were made, during an editing session)
change scriptсценарий изменений (A text file that contains SQL statements for all changes made to a database, in the order in which they were made, during an editing session. Rori)
client scriptклиентский сценарий (A script consisting of statements that appear on the HTML page. The script is executed by the browser either when the document is loaded, or in response to an event such as a button click)
common scriptобщий сценарий (In database unit testing, one of the following scripts: TestInitialize or TestCleanup)
complex scriptнабор сложных знаков (A language whose characters require ligation or shaping, such as a right-to-left language (Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, and Urdu) or certain South Asian languages)
configuration scriptсценарий конфигурации (Andy)
configuration scriptсценарий настройки (Andy)
database scriptсценарий базы данных (A collection of statements used to create database objects)
Disable Script DebuggingОтключить отладку сценариев (Alex Lilo)
Failed to extract script profiling dataне удалось извлечь данные профилирования скрипта (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
Gateway scriptпрограмма шлюза (A standard method of extending Web server functionality by executing programs or scripts on a Web server in response to Web browser requests, such as in form processing. Use of a common gateway interface can make a web page more dynamic)
Generic Scriptуниверсальный сценарий (A resource type in a failover cluster or server cluster that supports an application controlled by a script that runs in Windows Script Host)
IRC scriptсценарий IRC (A type of code that is exchanged between an IRC server and a remote computer. When malicious software connects to an IRC server through a backdoor on an infected computer, an IRC script may be used by an attacker to send commands and respond to events on the infected computer)
logon scriptсценарий входа (A file, typically a batch file, that runs automatically every time a user logs on to a computer or network. It can be used to configure a user's working environment whenever a user logs on, and it allows an administrator to influence a user's environment without managing all aspects of it. A logon script can be assigned to one or more user accounts)
Microsoft Script Editorредактор скриптов (An editor that is used to add text, edit HTML tags, and edit any Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) code in a data access page. You can also view your page in the Script Editor as it would appear in a Web browser; Майкрософт)
post-deployment scriptсценарий, выполняемый после развёртывания (A set of zero or more user-specified database scripts that are executed in a specific order after the database deployment script is executed)
pre-deployment scriptсценарий, выполняемый перед развёртыванием (Олег Семериков)
pre-deployment scriptсценарий, выполняемый перёд развёртыванием (A set of zero or more user-specified database scripts that are executed in a specific order before the database deployment script is executed)
script anchorпривязка
script anchorпривязка сценария (The visual representation of a script on a Web page that you open in a Microsoft Office program)
script commandкоманда сценария (A command associated with a designated time in Windows Media-based content. The data can be used by players to perform a specific action such as displaying a Web page)
script eventsсобытия сценариев (SharePoint Designer 2013 Rori)
script eventsсобытия скриптов (Office System 2010 Rori)
script fileфайл сценария (A collection of scripting commands, parameters and expressions that enables you to automate tasks or perform bulk operations repeatedly)
script hostсервер сценариев (ssn)
script hostсредство обработки сценариев (The utility within a program that runs another program. For example, a Web browser is a script host that can execute instructions in languages such as Java and JavaScript)
script injection attackатака путём внедрения сценария (An attack that attempts to send executable scripts to your application with the intent of having other users run it. A typical script injection attack sends script to a page that stores the script in a database, so that another user who views the data inadvertently runs the code)
script paneобласть сценариев (The text editor portion of the Table Designer)
Script Pane Behaviorповедение области сценариев (Windows 8 Rori)
script profilingпрофилирование скрипта (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
script profiling dataданные профилирования скрипта (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
server scriptсерверный скрипт (A script consisting of statements embedded in an .asp file (Active Server Page). The script is executed by the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) server when the page is requested by the browser but before the content is sent to the browser)
server scriptсерверный сценарий (A script consisting of statements embedded in an .asp file (Active Server Page). The script is executed by the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) server when the page is requested by the browser but before the content is sent to the browser)
shell script filesфайлы сценариев оболочки (ssn)
startup scriptзагрузочный скрипт (uar)
startup scriptсценарий запуска (stachel)
startup scriptзагрузочный сценарий (uar)
test scriptсценарий теста (A defined requirement that is checked against a product and yields either a pass or a fail result. Pass indicates meeting the requirement and fail indicates not meeting the requirement)
uncomment scriptотменить преобразование скрипта в комментарий (Rori)
verification scriptсценарий проверки (Ding_an_sich)
Windows PowerShell scriptсценарий Windows PowerShell (A script that is written in the Windows PowerShell language)
Windows Script Component fileфайл WSC-компонента (XML files that are much like HTML files, but contain special elements that define the script component and its behavior)
Windows Script Hostсервер сценариев Windows