
Terms for subject Microsoft containing SOURCE | all forms | exact matches only
a handle to the source device contextдескриптор контекста исходного устройства (Alex_Odeychuk)
Alert SourceИсточник оповещения (The control that specifies the user-defined alert source name. If no name is defined, the default is the event source name)
Allocates either "Closed" or "Block" statuses to the source account.Распределяет статусы "Блокирован" или "Закрыт" для исходного счета (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Allocates either "Closed" or ‘Block" statuses to the source account.Распределяет статусы "Блокирован" или "Закрыт" для исходного счета (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
application source codeисходный код приложения (Alex_Odeychuk)
authoritative sourceзаслуживающий доверия источник (A user that has thoroughly tested and certified the software. Typically, these sources include Microsoft Corporation and independent software vendors (ISVs))
be checked into source controlбыть положенным под контроль версий (Alex_Odeychuk)
be checked into source controlбыть добавленным под контроль версий (Alex_Odeychuk)
binding sourceисточник привязки (In data binding, the object from which the value is obtained)
Bitmap Sourceисточник точечного рисунка (Windows 8 Rori)
carriage return character in source lineзнак возврата каретки в исходной строке (ssn)
client source fileисходный файл клиента (microsoft.com bojana)
connected data sourceподключённый источник данных (A directory, database, file, or other data repository that is typically offsite and that needs to be accessed remotely)
consolidated source documentконсолидированный документ-источник (A source document that documents a sum of product quantities and monetary amounts from more than one referenced source document of the same class)
consolidated source documentконсолидированный документ-источник (A source document that documents a sum of product quantities and monetary amounts from more than one referenced source document of the same class. Rori)
content sourceисточник контента (A set of options that you can use to specify what type of content is crawled, what URLs to crawl, and how deep and when to crawl)
creating event log sourceсоздание источника журнала событий (Windows 8 ssn)
creating event sourceсоздание источника событий (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
custom sourceпользовательский источник (A collection of devices and components that act on any source of data to filter, aggregate, transform, and provide intelligent data. You can also combine custom sources to achieve high-level, complex business tasks)
data consolidation sourceисточник консолидации данных (Excel 2007, Office System 2010 Rori)
data sourceисточник данных (In communications, the portion of a Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) device that sends data)
Data source alias is read onlyПсевдоним источника данных доступен только для чтения (SQL Server 2012, Visual Studio 2012)
data source controlэлемент управления источником данных (An object that can be added to an ASP.NET Web page that encapsulates the logic required to connect to a data source, such as a database or XML file, and that can execute queries or other data-access commands. A data source control can in turn provide data to other controls on that page)
data source driverдрайвер источника данных (A program file used to connect to a specific database. Each database program or management system requires a different driver)
data source formattingформатирование источника данных (A type of conditional formatting that is configured within Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services)
data source nameимя источника данных (The collection of information used to connect an application to a particular ODBC database)
data source plug-inподключаемый модуль источника данных (A type of plug-in that enables a Windows Media server to use different storage systems)
data source viewпредставление источника данных (A named selection of database objects–such as tables, views, relationships, and stored procedures, based on one or more data sources–that defines the schema referenced by OLAP and data mining objects in an Analysis Services databases. It can also be used to define sources, destinations, and lookup tables for DTS tasks, transformations, and data adapters)
domain's data sourceисточник данных домена (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
embedded data sourceвнедрённый источник данных (Andy)
Error! Reference source not foundОшибка! Источник ссылки не найден (andrew_egroups)
event log sourceисточник журнала событий (ssn)
event sourceисточник события (The point of origin of an event)
event source descriptionописание источника события (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
event source IDидентификатор источника события (SQL Server 2008 ssn)
event source nameимя источника событий (ssn)
event source nameимя источника события (Windows 8 ssn)
event source name is NULLпустое имя источника событий (Exchange Server 2007 ssn)
event stream sourceисточник потока событий (ssn)
event stream source versionверсия источника потока событий (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
Explore Free Open Source ApplicationsИзучайте бесплатные приложения с открытым кодом (Visual Studio 2010 SP1 ssn)
External Content Type data sourceисточник данных для внешнего типа контента (A type of data source used to connect to an external data source)
external domain's data sourceвнешний источник данных домена (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
header sourceисточник заголовков (A document that contains the header row (or header record) to be used with the data source specified for a mail-merge main document)
inactive data sourceнеактивный источник данных (A data source that has been backed up on the DPM server but is no longer being actively protected)
input sourceисточник входных данных (Any table, view, or schema diagram used as an information source for a query)
Input Source Identification APIAPI определения источника входных данных (A native API that, when an app gets input, tells the app what kind of hardware it came from)
local installation sourceлокальный источник установки (stachel)
logical sourceлогический источник (A collection of devices and components that act on any source of data to filter, aggregate, transform, and provide intelligent data. You can also combine custom sources to achieve high-level, complex business tasks)
media stream sourceисточник передачи мультимедиа (ssn)
Media Stream Sourceисточник передачи мультимедиа (The service that allows apps to send audio and video samples to the media pipeline to decode, encode into a file, and stream to Xbox using Play To)
Minimum cardinality of the source or targetМинимальное количество элементов источника или целевого объекта (System Center Service Manager 2012 Rori)
netgroup sourceисточник сетевой группы (A NIS server (UNIX) or a LDAP server (e.g. Active Directory) that is used by the Microsoft Services for Network File System (NFS) to define and grant permissions to netgroups)
Netgroup Source Wizardмастер настройки источника сетевой группы (A wizard that allows you to configure a netgroup source and review your settings)
ODBC data sourceисточник данных ODBC (Data and the information needed to access that data from programs and databases that support the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) protocol)
one way to source bindingодносторонняя привязка к источнику (A type of data binding where changes made to the target automatically update the source, while changes to the source don't update the target. Data binding is always set on the target object)
package source directoryисходный каталог пакета (A directory containing Configuration Manager package source files that are used for package distribution)
package source fileисходный файл пакета (A file that is contained within an SMS/Configuration Manager package and that each advertised program needs before it can run)
paper sourceисточник бумаги (The location (such as Upper Paper Tray or Envelope Feeder) of the paper at the printer)
quota event sourceисточник события квоты (ssn)
quota event source fileфайл источника события квоты (Windows 8 ssn)
reference data sourceисточник данных ссылок (ssn)
relative sourceисточника привязки (WPF Alex_Odeychuk)
removing event log sourceудаление источника журнала событий (Windows 8 ssn)
result sourceисточник результатов (A source that returns a set of search results for a given search query. The source can be a search service in the local server farm or another server farm, or another search engine that is compliant with the OpenSearch protocol)
Share Source contractконтракт источника данных (A contract that lets a Windows Store app receive content, such as photos , links, and text, that the user shares from other apps. An app that supports this contract can be included in the list of apps that appears when the user taps the Share charm. Windows limits the list to include only the apps that support the type of data being shared. Examples of apps that might want to use this contract include social networking, email, and note-taking apps)
shared data sourceобщий источник данных (Andy)
shared data source itemсовместно используемый элемент источника данных (Data source connection information that is encapsulated in an item. Can be managed as an item in the report server folder namespace)
source accountисходный счёт (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
source accountисходная учётная запись (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
source adapterадаптер источника данных (A data flow component that extracts data from a data store)
source and destination pathисходный и результирующий путь (.NET Framework (например: Source and destination path must have identical roots – Исходный и результирующий путь должны относиться к одному логическому разделу) Alex Lilo)
source applicationисходное приложение (Andy)
source areaисходная область (A cell range that you consolidate in the destination area you specify)
source code controlуправление исходным кодом (A set of features that include a mechanism for checking source code in and out of a central repository. It also implies a version control system that can manage files through the development lifecycle, keeping track of which changes were made, who made them, when they were made, and why)
source code generatorгенератор исходного кода (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
source company accountкомпания-источник (The legal entity that is the origin of a liability in an intercompany economic transaction)
source computerисходный компьютер (An existing computer that is managed by Configuration Manager 2007. The source computer contains the user state data and settings that will be migraed to a new destination computer. The source computer must have a computer association with the destination computer for side-by-side migration scenarios)
source configuration groupисходная конфигурационная группа
source controlсистема управления версиями (A set of features that include a mechanism for checking source code in and out of a central repository. It also implies a version control system that can manage files through the development lifecycle, keeping track of which changes were made, who made them, when they were made, and why)
Source Control Explorerобозреватель управления исходным кодом (A window that is used to view and manage Team Foundation source control items which can include team projects folders and files)
source cubeисходный куб (The cube on which a linked cube is based)
Source Currency Total Costитоговая себестоимость в исходной валюте (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
source databaseбаза данных-источник (A database on the Publisher from which data and database objects are marked for replication as part of a publication that is propagated to Subscribers. For a database view, the database on which the view is created)
source depotхранилище исходного кода (An internal version control system that enables people to work on one project from separate workstations and still maintain an up-to-date version of each file)
source device contextконтекст исходного устройства (Alex_Odeychuk)
source directoryисходный каталог (The folder that contains the file or files to be copied or moved)
source documentисходный документ (The document where a linked or embedded object was originally created)
source documentдокумент-источник (An original record that evidences the occurrence of one or more economic, resource flow, and accounting events. A source document is entered into a system that records, classifies, tracks, and reports on the economic resources exchanged or committed at the time of the event)
source document amountсумма документа-источника (A monetary amount measurement that is documented on a source document)
source fileисходный файл (A file that contains the data that a program will process and store in a destination file)
source generatorгенератор исходного кода (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
source inventory locationсклад-источник (The inventory location where materials required by a kanban production activity or transfer activity are picked)
Source IP basedна основе исходного IP-адреса (System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 SP1 Rori)
source languageязык исходного кода (The programming language in which the source code for a program is written)
Source Managerдиспетчер источников (A dialog box that allows users to add/remove/organize the list of bibliographic information for the document)
source memberэлемент источника (Andy)
source network interfaceсетевой интерфейс источника (Windows 7, Windows 8 ssn)
source objectисходный объект (The single object to which all objects in a particular collection are connected by way of relationships that are all of the same relationship type)
source of authorityглавный источник (The location where Active Directory directory service objects, such as users and groups, are mastered (an original source that defines copies of an object) in a cross-premises deployment)
source of leadисточник идеи (The source of an account, business contact, or opportunity; for example, an advertisement or personal reference)
source partitionисходная секция (An Analysis Services partition that is merged into another and is deleted automatically at the end of the merger process)
source programпрограмма-источник (The program used to create a linked object or embedded object. To edit the object, you must have the source program installed on your computer. Rori)
source providerпоставщик источника (A synchronization provider that enumerates any changes and sends them to the destination provider)
source registrar poolисходный пул регистратора (Lync Server 2013 Rori)
source requirementисходная потребность (The product quantity documented on a source document line that creates a pegging requirement)
source serverисходный сервер (microsoft.com bojana)
source stateисходное состояние (.NET Framework 4.5 ssn)
source subscriptionисходная подписка (A subscription that is canceled to create a new subscription as a result of a conversion or merge)
source variationисходный вариант (Office System 2010 SP1 Rori)
special generated source codeспециально сгенерированный исходный код (Alex_Odeychuk)
split source documentразделённый документ-источник (A source document that documents partial product quantities and monetary amounts from one referenced document of the same class)
stream sourceисточник потока (ssn)
System Data Source Nameсистемный DSN (A data source name that can be used by any process on the computer)
System Data Source NameDSN системы
the event source is one ofИсточник событий является одним из следующих: (Visual Studio 2010 SP1)
trace sourceисточник трассировки (microsoft.com bojana)
trusted sourceнадёжный источник (The developer of a macro that is trusted by you on your computer. The trusted publisher is identified by the certificate that they used to digitally sign the macro)
type of reference data sourceтип источника данных ссылок (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
untrusted sourceисточник, не заслуживающий доверия (ssn)
you must select a source account for the journal line.Необходимо выбрать исходный счёт для строки журнала (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)