
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Run | all forms | exact matches only
a close-run thingнечто не предрешенное (Sometimes a future that in retrospect seems inevitable was at the time a close-run thing. A.Rezvov)
a close-run thingпобеда в соревновании, достигнутая с минимальным перевесом (The Labour Party won the seat, but it was a close run thing. A.Rezvov)
break into a runтурманом полететь (Andrey Truhachev)
break into a runвзять ноги в руки (Andrey Truhachev)
dry runиспытание на полигоне (Yeldar Azanbayev)
dry runпрактика (A practice; a rehearsal. Interex)
dry runповторение (Interex)
dry runгенеральная проверка (Yeldar Azanbayev)
dummy runиспытание на полигоне (Yeldar Azanbayev)
dummy runгенеральная проверка (Yeldar Azanbayev)
dummy runгенеральная репетиция (Yeldar Azanbayev)
eat and runперекусить (You have to eat and run if you want to be in time for the show. langwitch.ru younenari)
eat and runбыстро поспешно поесть (You have to eat and run if you want to be in time for the show. langwitch.ru younenari)
give a run for someone's moneyсоставить конкуренцию (VLZ_58)
give a run for someone's moneyперещеголять (joyand)
give a run for someone's moneyдостойно состязаться (I think only Liverpool will be able to give Manchester United a run for their money next season. VLZ_58)
give someone a run for someone's moneyне уступать (Баян)
give a run for someone's moneyбросить вызов (VLZ_58)
give someone a run for someone's moneyдать фору (Баян)
give somebody a run for their moneyдать бой (compete very strongly against someone who is expected to win a competition: I think only Liverpool will be able to give Manchester United a run for their money next season.; кому-либо КГА)
go on the runпуститься наутёк (Andrey Truhachev)
go on the runдать тягу (Andrey Truhachev)
go on the runсматывать удочки (Andrey Truhachev)
go through a bumpy runпереживать трудные времена (Red meat, a rich source of protein, is going through an especially bumpy run CafeNoir)
have a bite on the runперекусить на скорую руку (bigmaxus)
have a bite on the runприготовить на скорую руки (bigmaxus)
have a bite on the runбыстро перекусить (bigmaxus)
have a good runиметь возможность высказаться (У вас уже была возможность высказаться... – You had a good run, now let me finish my thought. ART Vancouver)
have a good runполучить возможность высказаться (У вас уже имелась возможность высказаться... – You had a good run, now let me finish my thought. ART Vancouver)
have someone on the runвынуждать покинуть занимаемую должность (The corruption charges against her aides have her on the run.)
have run the country into the ground duringдовести страну до ручки (CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
hit a home runпреуспеть (george serebryakov)
hit a home runвыбиться в люди (george serebryakov)
hit a home runвыйти в люди (george serebryakov)
hit a home runпревзойти ожидания (mewl2007)
it doesn't run off the tongueязык сломаешь (VLZ_58)
let one's feelings run away withбыть слишком эмоциональным (someone); You tend to let your feelings run away with you VLZ_58)
let one's tongue run away withне сдерживать себя (someone VLZ_58)
let one's tongue run away withговорить лишнее (someone); Your tongue always runs away with you VLZ_58)
let one's tongue run away withбыть болтливым (someone VLZ_58)
make a run for itсбежать ("Though he tried to make a run for it, Fujiwara was suddenly whisked off his feet and levitated to an orange-colored UFO hovering over a field outside." bizarreandgrotesque.com ART Vancouver)
make a run for itуносить ноги (Understandably curious about the object, the team proceeded to land the helicopter and investigate it up close. "We were kind of joking around that if one of us suddenly disappears," Hutchings laughed, "then the rest of us make a run for it." Fortunately, the ten-to-12-foot tall rectangular metal object was not dangerous, though it was undoubtedly mysterious. – остальным придётся уносить ноги coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
make one's blood run coldзаставить кровь застыть в жилах (Mr. Wolf)
make one's blood run coldнапугать до смерти (The sound of shooting (выстрела) made my blood run cold Taras)
make the cup run overперегибать палку (Andrey Truhachev)
on the runвынужденный покинуть занимаемую должность (The corruption charges against her aides have her on the run.)
on the runбыть занятым множеством разных дел (busy with many different things lucher)
on the runв невыгодном положении (The mayor is on the run in this campaign and may even lose the election. – Для мэра эта избирательная кампания складывается неблагоприятно, и он может даже проиграть выборы. VLZ_58)
run a bluff onзапугивать, сохраняя при этом спокойный вид (Bobrovska)
run a bluff onобманывать, сохраняя при этом спокойный вид (Bobrovska)
run a bluff onвтирать очки (Bobrovska)
run a tight shipэффективно управлять (бизнесом, компанией и т.д. Putney Heath)
run a tight shipхорошо вести дела (Fargo, 1996: MARGE: So how do you – have you done any kind of inventory recently? JERRY: The car's not from our lot, ma'am. MARGE: But do you know that for sure without - JERRY: Well, I would know. I'm the Executive Sales Manager. We run a pretty tight ship here. MARGE: I know, but – well, how do you establish that, sir? Are the cars, uh, counted daily or what kind of <...>  Putney Heath)
run ahead of the packуходить в отрыв (grafleonov)
run ahead of timeопережать события (VLZ_58)
run around as if hair was on fireработать как бешеный (VLZ_58)
run around as if hair was on fireработать по-сумасшедшему (As the deadline approached, the project team were running around as if their hair was on fire. VLZ_58)
run around in circlesкрутиться как белка в колесе (VLZ_58)
run around in circlesбегать как угорелый (I've been running around in circles trying to get all the reports finished before the meeting. VLZ_58)
run around like a chicken with its head cut offпотерять голову (VLZ_58)
run around like a chicken with its head cut offдействовать сумбурно (The president doesn't know what to do. He's running around like a chicken with its head cut off. VLZ_58)
run around withводиться (с кем-либо oliversorge)
run as a well-oiled machineработать эффективно (snowleopard)
run as a well-oiled machineработать слаженно (snowleopard)
run as if one's hair was on fireбежать изо всех сил (sunchild)
run at breakneck speedбежать во весь опор
run at breakneck speedбежать очертя голову
run at breakneck speedбежать без оглядки
run at the top of one's speedбежать со всех ног ('He took two swift steps to the whip, but before he could grasp it there was a wild clatter of steps upon the stairs, the heavy door banged, and from the window we could see Mr. James Windibank running at the top of his speed down the road.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
run at the top of one's speedбежать без оглядки ('He took two swift steps to the whip, but before he could grasp it there was a wild clatter of steps upon the stairs, the heavy door banged, and from the window we could see Mr. James Windibank running at the top of his speed down the road.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
run before you can walkзабегать вперёд (Clepa)
run before you can walkторопить события (try to do something difficult before learning the basics Clepa)
run circles aroundзаткнуть за пояс (Andrey Truhachev)
run deeplyуходить в далёкое прошлое (The history of cannibalism in this area runs as deeply as the roots of the palm trees on the shores of Pukeke Lagoon. ART Vancouver)
run/duck for coverуйти в кусты (to seek to avoid blame VLZ_58)
run fast, run farбежать без оглядки (just_green)
run for one's lifeбежать, высунув язык
run for the hillsброситься наутёк (SergeiAstrashevsky)
run for the hillsкинуться наутёк (SergeiAstrashevsky)
run for your lifeСпасайся! (to run away to save one's life. The dam has burst! Run for your life! The captain told us all to run for our lives. never_mind)
run head against a wallупереться как баран (Andrey Truhachev)
run one's head against a wallпрошибать лбом стену (Andrey Truhachev)
run head against a wallупираться как баран (Andrey Truhachev)
run head against a wallломиться в закрытые двери (Andrey Truhachev)
run one's head against a wallломиться в закрытую дверь (Andrey Truhachev)
run one's head against the brick wallбиться головой об стену (Commissioner)
run headlong intoстолкнуться лоб-в-лоб с (Alex_Odeychuk)
run in placeтоптаться на месте (jouris-t)
run intoнечаянно столкнуться с (ART Vancouver)
run into a brick wallзайти в тупик (Taras)
run into a brick wallбиться головой об стенку (делать что-то без особого успеха nosorog)
run into a brick wall withмолчать как партизан (someone: We ran into a brick wall with the office of secure transportation. They refused to acknowledge whether they had any weapons in transit Taras)
run into a roadblockнатолкнуться на стену (VLZ_58)
run into a roadblockстолкнуться с препятствием (VLZ_58)
run into deep troubleстолкнуться с серьёзными неприятностями (Alex_Odeychuk)
run into someone in the heat of the momentпопасться под горячую руку (VLZ_58)
run into the sandзастрять (K*i*v*i)
run into the sandувязнуть на полдороге к цели (K*i*v*i)
run into the sandзайти в тупик (K*i*v*i)
run into the sandувязнуть (K*i*v*i)
run like a golden threadпроходить красной нитью (through trancer)
run like a golden thread throughпроходить красной нитью через (something trancer)
run like a jackrabbitудирать как заяц (Sharon in Massachusetts told Richard about a time in early 1960s when she was seven years old and encountered a stranger waiting in his car near where she had emerged from the woods. Sharon described the stranger as handsome, dressed in a suit, and sitting in a Chevy bubble car. The stranger told her he had been asked to pick her up and bring her home, and when that ploy did not work to get Sharon in the car, he offered her candy. "He jumped out the driver's door, ran around the front of the car, I threw my books and I ran like a jackrabbit," Sharon recalled. Later, she discovered that man was a young Ted Bundy. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
run like a jackrabbitбежать как заяц (Sharon in Massachusetts told Richard about a time in early 1960s when she was seven years old and encountered a stranger waiting in his car near where she had emerged from the woods. Sharon described the stranger as handsome, dressed in a suit, and sitting in a Chevy bubble car. The stranger told her he had been asked to pick her up and bring her home, and when that ploy did not work to get Sharon in the car, he offered her candy. "He jumped out the driver's door, ran around the front of the car, I threw my books and I ran like a jackrabbit," Sharon recalled. Later, she discovered that man was a young Ted Bundy. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
run like a lamplighterбежать, как угорелый
run like blazesи гремела его сабля по верстовым столбам, как по штакетнику (Alex_Odeychuk)
run off at the mouthтрещать без умолку (Andrey Truhachev)
run off at the mouthнаговорить три короба (VLZ_58)
run off at the mouth like a faucetу него рот прохудился (VLZ_58)
run off at the mouth like a faucetу него рот не закрывается (VLZ_58)
run on treadmillкрутиться как белка в колесе (Vadim Rouminsky)
run on treadmillбыть как белка в колесе (Vadim Rouminsky)
run oneself into the groundработать до потери пульса (Taras)
run out of roadоказаться в тупике (VLZ_58)
run out of roadисчерпать все возможности (VLZ_58)
run out of steamбыть изнурённым (Taras)
run out of steamбыть усталым (Taras)
run out of steamостаться без сил (Taras)
run out of steamбыть изнемождённым (Taras)
run out of steamбыть измотанным (Taras)
run out of steamтерять силы (Yeldar Azanbayev)
run out of steamизматываться (Taras)
run out of steamбыть совершенно без сил (By the end of the weak we completely ran out of steam Taras)
run out of steamвымотаться (Taras)
run out of steamустать как собака (Taras)
run out of steamбыть без сил (Taras)
run out of steamсильно устать (Taras)
run out of timeопаздывать (Dyatlova Natalia)
run over scheduleопережать график (Yeldar Azanbayev)
run one's own showработать на вольных хлебах (VLZ_58)
run one's own showработать "на себя" (jouris-t)
run one's own showвести свой собственный бизнес (jouris-t)
run one's own showвести своё собственное дело (jouris-t)
run raggedработать на износ (Anglophile)
run rampantрасцвести пышным цветом (В труппе театра пышным цветом расцвела зависть. Jealousy ran rampant in the theater company. VLZ_58)
run rampantбушевать (Interdepartmental disputes will run rampant, and you won't see resolution for at least a few days – a few jobs may even be lost over this. VLZ_58)
run rampantвыходить из-под контроля (Tarija)
run rings aboutобогнать (kirobite)
run rings aboutза пояс заткнуть (kirobite)
run rings aboutнамного опередить (kirobite)
run rings aroundбыть на голову выше (кого-либо Alexander Oshis)
run rings aroundзаткнуть за пояс (Andrey Truhachev)
run riotхватить через край (Andrey Truhachev)
run riotхватать через край (Andrey Truhachev)
run roughshodпереступать (on sb. -- через кого-л.: to completely ignore the opinions, rights, or feelings of others. He achieved success by ruthlessly running roughshod over anyone who got in his way. (Merriam-Webster): “After the municipal election, the province said that we had the option to put forward a plan to keep the RCMP. It is now clear that the province had other plans in mind. This government does not have the right to run roughshod on every local government that doesn’t bend to their will.” • Typical of this region however where developers pretty much run roughshod and city councils fold like a cheap accordion. Not hard to see how municipal government is both incompetent and corrupt. citynews.ca, vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
run smack intoнапороться (Баян)
run some ideasобсудить идеи (MyCulture)
run something into the groundпрогореть (VLZ_58)
run something into the groundдовести до разорения (VLZ_58)
run something into the groundугробить (VLZ_58)
run something into the groundразвалить дело (VLZ_58)
run the homeзаниматься домом ("Had house husbands been in vogue in those days we'd have made an excellent couple, since Tony was not very successful as an actor and I soon became the main breadwinner. If we had been able to accept that I would go out and earn the money and he would concentrate on running the home, things might have turned out better..." (Joan Sims) wikipedia.org ART Vancouver)
run the homeвзять на себя домашние дела ("Had house husbands been in vogue in those days we'd have made an excellent couple, since Tony was not very successful as an actor and I soon became the main breadwinner. If we had been able to accept that I would go out and earn the money and he would concentrate on running the home, things might have turned out better..." (Joan Sims) wikipedia.org ART Vancouver)
run the homeзаниматься хозяйством ("Had house husbands been in vogue in those days we'd have made an excellent couple, since Tony was not very successful as an actor and I soon became the main breadwinner. If we had been able to accept that I would go out and earn the money and he would concentrate on running the home, things might have turned out better..." (Joan Sims) wikipedia.org ART Vancouver)
run the numbersпроизвести расчёт (Ремедиос_П)
run the showправить бал (Anglophile)
run the showзаправлять делами (Alex_Odeychuk)
run the showвсем заправлять (Alex_Odeychuk)
run through a brick wallв лепёшку расшибиться (CNN, 2018 Alex_Odeychuk)
run through one's headвертеться в голове (VLZ_58)
run to seedопускаться (VLZ_58)
run to seedдеградировать (VLZ_58)
run to the pressesразглашать (Look into any lingering mysteries this morning – your bloodhound skills will be strong. Hold onto any findings for a while, no matter how tempted you are to run to the presses right away. Может использоваться вариант "start the presses". VLZ_58)
run to the pressesзвонить во все колокола (VLZ_58)
run to the pressesрастрезвонить (VLZ_58)
run true to formв своём стиле (Your assistant's been running true to form again, kept pestering the girls. thefreedictionary.com CCK)
run true to formв своём репертуаре (Your assistant's been running true to form again, kept pestering the girls. thefreedictionary.com CCK)
Run what you brung"Что привёз, на том и едешь" (авторский вариант; Выражение, употребляемое уличными гонщиками стритрейсерами), означающее принятие результатов гонки вместо того, чтобы строить теории о том, как оно могло бы получиться иначе urbandictionary.com GoMaz)
run wildсорваться с катушек (VLZ_58)
run with itделать что-л самостоятельно (You are free to take the idea and run with it Баян)
run with scissorsходить по лезвию (natdeu)
run with scissorsиграть с огнём (Abysslooker)
run with scissorsходить по краю (natdeu)
run with the wolvesследовать инстинктам (Solidboss)
still waters run deepв тихом болоте черти водятся (He's quiet and shy, it's true, but still waters run deep. Val_Ships)
take the ball and run with itвзять инициативу в свои руки (jouris-t)
tensions run highстрасти накаляются (Баян)
tensions run highобстановка накаляется (Баян)
tensions run highнапряжение нарастает (Баян)
there's no need to run around like a chicken with its head cut off!не пори горячку!
try to run before one can walkвпрягать телегу перед лошадью (Andrey Truhachev)
we had a dream run, indeed!знай наших! (VLZ_58)
words run highссора разгорается (Yeldar Azanbayev)