
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing Run | all forms | exact matches only
end-run the conflictизбежать конфликта (Taras)
end-run the conflictуйти от конфликта (Taras)
food runпоход за едой (напр. из магазина, кафе, дома и т.д. в офис: ...I came back from the food run • to go on a food run: Jimmy went on a food run during his lunch break Taras)
give a run for moneyбыть достойным соперником (He was a very good actor and could have given any professional a run for his money.; профессионалу Val_Ships)
have a run-inпоругаться (with smb. – с кем-либо Taras)
have a run-inпоцапаться (with someone – с кем-либо Anglophile)
home runполовой акт (to accelerate through first base (french kissing), onto second base ("heavy petting") to third base (oral sex) and finally coming around to home plate (sexual intercourse Taras)
home-runполовой акт (to accelerate through first base (french kissing), onto second base ("heavy petting") to third base (oral sex) and finally coming around to home plate (sexual intercourse Taras)
home runсекс (to accelerate through first base (french kissing), onto second base ("heavy petting") to third base (oral sex) and finally coming around to home plate (sexual intercourse Taras)
home runзанятие сексом (to accelerate through first base (french kissing), onto second base ("heavy petting") to third base (oral sex) and finally coming around to home plate (sexual intercourse Taras)
home-runзанятие сексом (to accelerate through first base (french kissing), onto second base ("heavy petting") to third base (oral sex) and finally coming around to home plate (sexual intercourse Taras)
home-runсекс (to accelerate through first base (french kissing), onto second base ("heavy petting") to third base (oral sex) and finally coming around to home plate (sexual intercourse Taras)
home runполный успех (Выражение из бейсбола marina_aid)
home-run factoryбейсбольная команда, одерживающая одну победу за другой
how can a bear like that run around loose!Ну и страхолюдина! (Anglophile)
in the long runв обозримом будущем (It means spending a bit now, but in the long run it'll save us a lot of money. Val_Ships)
in the long runна долговременную перспективу (It may be our best option in the long run. Val_Ships)
in the long runкогда-либо (в будущем; You may want to quit school now, but in the long run, you’ll regret it. Val_Ships)
in the long runс течением времени (Good management in the long run brought improved conditions for the workers. Val_Ships)
long-runдолгосрочный (о выплатах, обслуживании: long-run benefits Val_Ships)
nut and runпоматросил и бросил (Oh, so she was just a nut and run? Taras)
patience has run outтерпение лопнуло (Val_Ships)
run a con onпровести (cnlweb)
run a con onобвести вокруг пальца (cnlweb)
run a con onразвести (cnlweb)
run a con onодурачить (cnlweb)
run a con onкинуть (cnlweb)
run a con onпровернуть аферу (cnlweb)
run a kritikиспользовать стратегию "критик" (в ходе дебатов-см.опр. термина: the strategy Ted Cruz used in the last GOP debate colled running a kritik Val_Ships)
run a red lightпроскочить на красный свет (I was hit by someone today who ran a red light. Val_Ships)
run a scam or a racketделать дела (Used as slang, in a criminal sense. Maggie)
run a surplusсохранять актив
run against the windидти против течения (figure of speech Val_Ships)
run agroundсесть на мель (о судне Val_Ships)
run behindзапаздывать (Taras)
run behindотставать (Taras)
run behindотставать по срокам (Taras)
run behindотставать от графика (напр. съёмок; син. fall behind Taras)
run smb. downсбить кого-либо (на автомобиле Taras)
run-downв очень плохом состоянии (an ​old run-down ​factory Val_Ships)
run-downв плохом состоянии (in ​bad ​condition: an ​old run-down ​factory Val_Ships)
run-downотживший свой век (in very bad condition because of age Val_Ships)
run-down neighborhoodзапущенный район (жилой район города Val_Ships)
run down the listпроверить по списку (APN)
run down the listбыстро просмотреть список (APN)
run faceвыезжать на хорошеньком личике
run faceиспользовать приятную внешность, чтобы добиться продвижения (кредита и т. п.)
run faceиспользовать приятную внешность
run feet offутомить
run feet offизмочалить (кого-либо)
run feet offвымотать
run for one's lifeбежать от опасности (and now he was runnung for his life Val_Ships)
Run for one's life!Спасайся кто может! (The dam has burst! Run for your life! Val_Ships)
run for officeвыставить свою кандидатуру на государственную должность (Aprilen)
run headfirstбежать стремглав (Rus_)
run someone homeотвозить кого-либо домой (Taras)
run-of-paperпредоставленный на усмотрение редакции (газеты)
run-of-theкомпонент сложных слов со значением обыкновенный
run-of-the-mill stuffобычные вещи (Val_Ships)
run outзаканчивать (полностью расходовать в практических целях Tamerlane)
run out of fuelтопливо на исходе (Val_Ships)
run-overпревышающий положенный объём
run raggedизнурять
run raggedизмочаливать (кого-либо)
run scaredволноваться (The mayor was running scared, but won anyway. Val_Ships)
run scaredбеспокоиться (The polls don't look too good for our candidate and he's running scared. Val_Ships)
run scaredвпадать в панику (to act panicked: There is no reason to run scared. Val_Ships)
run the paperworkподнять бумаги (Maggie)
run the tableвозглавить таблицу (in college football Val_Ships)
run up onнаезжать (кого-л.; to confront somebody with hostility: You think you so badass, huh? Run up on my boy? Take potshots? Sneak up and ambush some motherfucker, huh? That's a bad move, 'cause, you know, me and him... we tight. You make a move on him, you best make a move on me, too Taras)
run up onнаезжать на (кого-л.; to confront somebody with hostility: You think you so badass, huh? Run up on my boy? Take potshots? Sneak up and ambush some motherfucker, huh? That's a bad move, 'cause, you know, me and him... we tight. You make a move on him, you best make a move on me, too Taras)
run with the ballперехватить
run with the ballперебить (заказ)
split, clear out, shove off, make off, get away, run off, slip off, take off.спылиться
take a run atбросать вызов (Taras)
take a run atподкатывать (к кому-л.; the expression is used to describe making a romantic or flirtatious advance towards someone Taras)
take a run atнападать (Taras)
take a run atвыступить против (Taras)
take a run atсовершать покушение (Taras)
take a run atнаезжать (is an idiomatic expression that means to make an attempt to criticize, confront, or challenge someone, often in a competitive or aggressive manner. This phrase is commonly used in situations where one person is trying to assert dominance or gain an advantage over another person, such as in sports, business, or personal disputes Taras)
there is a big run on this bookэта книга раскупается нарасхват (Taras)
total milk runплёвое дело (Taras)
pertaining to cars transport as in a stolen vehicle, run stolen cars, move a car from place to place, take a stolen car down to some place, drive a car down to some placeперегнать