
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Ride | all forms | exact matches only
along for the rideза компанию (chilin)
enjoy the ride"расслабься и получай удовольствие" (Madlark)
get taken for a rideбыть облапошенным (Баян)
give a free rideделать поблажки (on -- в том, что касается: The current government gives the ultra rich a free ride on their taxes. ART Vancouver)
have a rough rideдаваться с трудом (Andrey Truhachev)
he is in for a rough rideон узнает, где раки зимуют
he is in for a rough rideон у меня узнает, где раки зимуют
in it for the rideза компанию (вариант along for the ride joyand)
ride a cockhorseсидеть верхом на чём-л. (Bobrovska)
ride a cockhorseкачаться на колене или на ноге у кого-л. (о ребёнке Bobrovska)
ride a hobby-horseзаводить любимую шарманку (Ah, here we go again. Once grandpa starts riding his hobby-horse about the government, there's no stopping him! thefreedictionary.com Shabe)
ride butt"долбить" (замучить придирками, упреками: He made us a great breakfast and you're just riding his butt... and not in a good way. – сериал The Simpsons, s14e17 roman_vk)
ride someone's butt"пилить" (кого-либо: The boss is riding everyone's butt to get the project finished by next week thefreedictionary.com roman_vk)
ride butt"пилить" (кого-либо: The boss is riding everyone's butt to get the project finished by next week thefreedictionary.com roman_vk)
ride for a fallсамому себе рыть яму
ride herd onстоять над душой (в значении "непрерывно контролировать"_ 4uzhoj)
ride someone's luckиспытать невероятное везение (Alexey Lebedev)
ride off in all directionsХвататься за слишком много дел, гнаться за двумя зайцами, распыляться, браться одновременно за слишком много дел (shrewd)
ride off into the sunsetуйти в закат (Origin: from a Western movie cliché, in which the good guy who has arrived in a troubled town and solved whatever grave problem it was experiencing with bad guys, gets on his horse and rides west in the direction of the picturesque setting sun: My work here is finished, its time for me to ride off into the sunset urbandictionary.com Dominator_Salvator)
ride on coattailsехать на чужой шее (it implies that one is taking advantage of another person's work or success without contributing anything themselves: The new employee was just riding on the coattails of others and not contributing anything to the company Taras)
ride on coattailsпользоваться плодами чужого труда (to benefit from someone else's labor: She did nothing to earn that promotion, she was just riding on the coattails of others Taras)
ride on the coattails ofпользоваться чьим-либо успехом (Everyone knows you've been riding on the coattails of the governor these last two years, but once her term ends, you'll be on your own.)
ride on the coattails ofвоспользоваться чьим-либо успехом
ride roughshod overрастоптать (Баян)
ride roughshod overоткровенно наплевать на (Баян)
ride roughshod overпопрать (Баян)
ride roughshod overпроехаться по (Баян)
ride the benchсидеть в запасных (marina_aid)
ride the benchждать своей очереди (marina_aid)
ride the benchоставаться позади (marina_aid)
ride the fenceколебаться (Pan_Boczek)
ride the fenceзанять нейтральную позицию (Pan_Boczek)
ride the fenceсидеть и ждать (Yeldar Azanbayev)
ride the gravy trainкататься как в сыр масле (Yeldar Azanbayev)
ride the gravy trainжить припеваючи (Yeldar Azanbayev)
ride the gravy trainкупаться в золоте (Yeldar Azanbayev)
ride the gravy trainгрести деньги лопатой (Yeldar Azanbayev)
take for a rideнадуть (Yeldar Azanbayev)
take for a rideпровести (кого-либо)
take for a rideпровести (If someone takes you for a ride, they deceive or cheat you.: Car salesmen will take you for a ride in more ways than one! | I think we've been taken for a ride. -- Мне кажется, нас провели / обдурили. ART Vancouver)
take sb. for a rideпудрить мозги (If someone takes you for a ride, they deceive or cheat you.: I think he's taking you for a ride. ART Vancouver)
take for a rideодурачить (It's one of those classic stories out of Italy: take the tourists for a ride when you see them. A restaurant in Venice charged four Japanese tourists $1300 for their order of pasta while their wives were charged $500 for their dish of pasta at another eatery. ART Vancouver)
take for a rideподставить (Yeldar Azanbayev)
take for a rideпровести
take for a rideразвести (Баян)
take for a rideоблапошить (Баян)
you can't take someone for a rideна кривой не объедешь (VLZ_58)