
Terms for subject Informal containing Raising | all forms | exact matches only
raise a blister uponвспузырить (pf of вспузыривать)
raise a blister uponвспузыривать
raise a cryпрореветь
raise a dustподнимать кипиш (Yeldar Azanbayev)
raise a howlразреветься
raise a howlразреветься
raise a hullaballooподнять гвалт
raise a hullabalooподнять гвалт
raise a mouseпоставить фингал (MichaelBurov)
raise a mouseдать в глаз (MichaelBurov)
raise a mouseпоставить синяк под глазом (MichaelBurov)
raise a mouseнабить фингал (MichaelBurov)
raise a protestзапротестовать
raise a ruckusбузить (When you raise a ruckus you make a lot of noise. A ruckus can be the sound of an argument, the noise of soccer fans celebrating a victory, or it could be two-year-olds banging on pots and pans. Ruckus sounds like what it means – loud and maybe a little rowdy.: "An odd mystery has gripped a small city in Texas as numerous residents have reported seeing a monkey roaming through their neighborhood and causing a ruckus." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
raise a ruckusзагомонить (Liv Bliss)
raise a ruckusбуянить (When you raise a ruckus you make a lot of noise. A ruckus can be the sound of an argument, the noise of soccer fans celebrating a victory, or it could be two-year-olds banging on pots and pans. Ruckus sounds like what it means – loud and maybe a little rowdy.: "An odd mystery has gripped a small city in Texas as numerous residents have reported seeing a monkey roaming through their neighborhood and causing a ruckus." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
raise a ruckusгалдеть (When you raise a ruckus you make a lot of noise. A ruckus can be the sound of an argument, the noise of soccer fans celebrating a victory, or it could be two-year-olds banging on pots and pans. Ruckus sounds like what it means – loud and maybe a little rowdy.: "An odd mystery has gripped a small city in Texas as numerous residents have reported seeing a monkey roaming through their neighborhood and causing a ruckus." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
raise a ruckusустроить галдёж (When you raise a ruckus you make a lot of noise. A ruckus can be the sound of an argument, the noise of soccer fans celebrating a victory, or it could be two-year-olds banging on pots and pans. Ruckus sounds like what it means – loud and maybe a little rowdy.: "An odd mystery has gripped a small city in Texas as numerous residents have reported seeing a monkey roaming through their neighborhood and causing a ruckus." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
raise a ruckusметать икру
raise a rumpusрасшуметься
raise a shindyподнимать переполох (Svetlana D)
raise a shindyподнять суматоху (Svetlana D)
raise a shindyподнимать суматоху (Svetlana D)
raise a shindyподнять шум (Svetlana D)
raise a shindyучинить скандал (Svetlana D)
raise a shindyподнять переполох (Svetlana D)
raise a stinkподнять базар (Tamerlane)
raise blisters on one's feetнатирать волдыри у себя на ногах
raise by halfвырасти в полтора раза (MichaelBurov)
raise by halfвырасти вполовину (MichaelBurov)
raise dustпылиться
raise dustзапылиться (pf of пылиться)
raise dustзапылить (pf of пылиться)
raise one's hand againstнамахнуться (pf of намахиваться)
raise one's hand againstнамахиваться (impf of намахнуться)
raise hand againstнамахнуться
raise one's hand threateninglyнамахиваться (impf of намахнуться)
raise one's hand threateninglyнамахнуться (pf of намахиваться)
raise hand threateninglyнамахнуться
raise hell's delightскандальничать
raise hell's delightскандальничать (= скандалить)
raise oneself ontoвзгромоздиться (pf of взгромождаться, громоздиться)
raise oneself ontoвзгромоздиться (См. взгромождаться)
raise productivityповышать производительность (Damirules)
raise sandзакатывать скандал (I get me a little drink every now and then when I'm down at the house, but the old lady, she raises so much sand about it, I don't do a lot of drinking down there Гевар)
raise the anchorнабить якорь
raise the anchorнабивать якорь
raise the heatусиливать критику (ART Vancouver)
raise the priceнакинуть (of)
raise the priceнакидывать (of)
raise the price ofнакинуть (pf of накидывать)
raise the price ofнакидывать (impf of накинуть)
raise the roofотвязываться
raise the roofотвязаться
raising cainбазар
raising Cainбазар (Не устраивайте базар! Говорите по очереди. Stop this free-for-all! Talk one at a time.; неорганизованная, вышедшая из-под контроля, дискуссия a discussion that is out of control)
raising hellбазар