
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Quota | all forms | exact matches only
Disk quota exceededПревышена дисковая квота (Andy)
journal quotaквота журнала (For Message Queuing, a property that specifies the cumulative limit for journal messages in a journal queue. The limit is based on cumulative journal message size. When a journal queue`s quota is reached, messages are no longer stored)
quota event sourceисточник события квоты (ssn)
quota event source fileфайл источника события квоты (Windows 8 ssn)
quota limitквота (The amount of disk space available to a user)
quota messageсообщение квоты (An e-mail message that is automatically sent by Microsoft Exchange to the owners of a mailbox or a public folder when a size limit, which is called a storage quota, for the mailbox or public folder has been exceeded or is at risk of being exceeded)
quota pointединица квоты (The unit by which the virtual machine quota for a self-service user or group is calculated. Each new virtual machine can add zero or more quota points toward virtual machine quotas. The virtual machine template that is used to create the virtual machine determines how many quota points the virtual machine adds. Quota points only apply to the quota while a virtual machine is deployed)
quota templateшаблон квоты (A template that defines a space limit on the physical drive, the type of quota (hard or soft), and a set of notifications to be generated when the quota limit is being approached)
site collection quotaквота семейства веб-сайтов (An option for a site collection that allows administrators to set levels for maximum storage allowed, maximum number of users allowed, and warnings that are associated with the maximum levels. Rori)
storage quotaквота хранилища (The total amount of storage space assigned to a company when it subscribes to a service)
the specified ring buffer has dropped below its quota of outstanding transactions.Число транзакций, ожидающих обработки, меньше квоты для указанного кольцевого буфера (Windows Server 2008)
virtual machine quotaквота виртуальных машин (A limit that is placed on the number of deployed virtual machines for a user or group in virtual machine self-service. Each virtual machine can add zero or more quota points toward a virtual machine quota that is set for a self-service policy. If the self-service policy is associated with a group, the quota either can be shared by all group members (under shared ownership) or can apply to each group member individually (under per user ownership). The quota does not apply to stored virtual machines)