
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Production | all forms | exact matches only
be ready to be deployed to productionбыть готовым к развёртыванию в промышленной среде (Alex_Odeychuk)
Delete production orders with a duplicate inventory transaction idУдалить производственные заказы с повторяющимися кодами складских проводок (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
derived productionпроизводное производство (A subproduction order that is created based on the main production order)
non-production instanceнепроизводственный экземпляр (YuliaO)
planned production orderспланированный производственный заказ (A source document that documents production requirements generated from a production plan)
Print base date for the production moduleПечать базовых данных для модуля "Производство" (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
production codeкод готового приложения (Alex_Odeychuk)
Production PROD data center environmentсреда центра обработки данных (A data center environment that supports computers running Microsoft FlexGo technology that have been sold to customers)
production deploymentразвёртывание в производственной среде (Alex_Odeychuk)
production deviceсерийное устройство (ptraci)
production environmentрабочая среда (stachel)
production flow modelмодель производственного потока (A representation of the production capacity provided by a group of work cells in a production flow process)
production-grade codeпромышленный код (код, предназначенный для развертывания в промышленной среде (ready to be deployed to production) Alex_Odeychuk)
production instanceпроизводственный экземпляр (YuliaO)
production lead timeвремя производственного цикла (The lead time required to produce an item, starting from the time the order is released to production until the item is moved to inventory)
production lineстрока производства (The part of a production order that specifies detailed information about the components included in the order)
production orderпроизводственный заказ (A source document that documents the requirements for producing items to meet a demand)
production order lineстрока производственного заказа (The part of a production order that specifies the parent item to be produced)
production planning period templateшаблон периода планирования производства (A user-defined timetable that is used to structure and display existing product requirements)
production-readyготовый к использованию в рабочей среде (Alex_Odeychuk)
production releaseпроизводственный выпуск (Andy)
production scheduleплан производства (A schedule to produce a specific item and item quantity at a specific time and by specific human and operational resources)
production signalпроизводственный сигнал (A documented notification of a resource flow event that triggers a production or transfer activity)
production varianceотклонение цены производства от себестоимости (The difference between the cost price and the actual production price. The production variance is determined when the production order is calculated)
production Web serverрабочий веб-сервер (A Web server that hosts a live web site. A production Web server can be browsed by an Internet or intranet audience)