
Terms for subject Databases containing Principals | all forms
built-in security principalвстроенный субъект безопасности (A security principal is an entity that can be authenticated by a secure system. Alex_Odeychuk)
database principalсубъект уровня базы данных (database user, database role or application role: Schemas can be owned by any database principal, and a single principal can own multiple schemas. A schema is a named container for database objects, which allows you to group objects into separate namespaces. Alex_Odeychuk)
database-level principalсубъект уровня базы данных (database user, database role or application role Alex_Odeychuk)
grant permission to a principalвыдать разрешение субъекту (субъекты – это сущности, которые могут запрашивать ресурсы Microsoft SQL Server Alex_Odeychuk)
indivisible principalиндивидуальный субъект (Login is an example of an indivisible principal, and a Windows Group is an example of a principal that is a collection. Alex_Odeychuk)
server-level principalсубъект уровня сервера (SQL Server-level principals: SQL Server authentication login, Windows authentication login for a Windows user, Windows authentication login for a Windows group, Azure Active Directory authentication login for an Active Directory user, Azure Active Directory authentication login for an Active Directory group Server Role Alex_Odeychuk)
special user principalособый субъект-пользователь (The dbo user is a special user principal in each database. Alex_Odeychuk)
the object owned by the security principalобъект во владении субъекта безопасности (Alex_Odeychuk)
the security principal that owns the schemaсубъект безопасности, владеющий схемой (Alex_Odeychuk)