
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Prediction | all forms | exact matches only
Prediction Calculatorрасчёт прогноза (A new report that is based on logistic regression analysis and that presents each contributing factor together with a score calculated by the algorithm. The report is presented both as a worksheet that helps you enter data and make calculations of the probable outcomes, and as a printed report that does the same thing)
Search Predictionпрогнозирование поиска (A feature that automatically corrects searches for misspellings, alternative spellings or other input that would otherwise reduce the number or quality of the results)
text predictionпрогнозирование текста (A recognition feature that helps increase input speed and reduce effort by providing users with word completion and next word prediction alternates as the user is writing/typing)
Time series predictionsпрогнозы временных рядов (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
touch predictionпрогнозирование касаний (ssn)