
Terms for subject Mass media containing Political | all forms | exact matches only
digital political serviceслужба политических новостей в цифровом формате (Technical)
digital political serviceонлайн-служба политических новостей (Technical)
discussion has taken a political turnдискуссия перешла в политическую плоскость (e.g. In this respect, discussion of the postmodern, which until now had focused on culture, has taken a political turn. 'More)
hold people on political groundsзадерживать людей по политическим мотивам (bigmaxus)
modern political radioсовременное политическое радиовещание (Alex_Odeychuk)
political accommodationполитическое решение спора (bigmaxus)
political accomplishmentполитическое достижение (bigmaxus)
political allegianceполитическая верность (bigmaxus)
political causeполитическая причина (bigmaxus)
political complexionполитическая окраска (· ...his signature gave “a certain political complexion” to the deal… alex)
political disturbancesполитические волнения (bigmaxus)
political diversityполитический плюрализм (margarita09)
political expertiseкомпетентность в области политики (bigmaxus)
political fermentполитические волнения (bigmaxus)
political figureполитик
political figureполитический деятель
political figureполитический деятель (Conservative officials and political figures descended on a northern Nevada ranch for the 4th annual Basque Fry fundraiser. • Many senior Bahraini business and political figures were educated in the UK and many consider the UK their second home.)
political frustrationполитическое разочарование (bigmaxus)
political gulfполитическая пропасть (bigmaxus)
political hurdlesполитические препятствия (bigmaxus)
political ployпропагандистская уловка (bigmaxus)
political ployполитическая хитрость (bigmaxus)
political pressполитическая пресса (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
political punditполитический обозреватель (ART Vancouver)
political radioрадиовещание на политические темы (Alex_Odeychuk)
political radioполитическое радиовещание (Alex_Odeychuk)
political reportingосвещение политических событий (Sloneno4eg)
political reprisalполитическая ответная мера (bigmaxus)
political riftполитический разлад (bigmaxus)
political satireполитсатира (Andrey Truhachev)
political standingполитическая репутация (bigmaxus)
political statureполитическое положение (bigmaxus)
political tenureстаж политика (bigmaxus)
promote a political agendaобеспечивать решение политических задач (It is worrying that the television network is moving from producing news to trying to promote a political agenda. Alex_Odeychuk)
reshape political balanceперераспределять политическое равновесие (margarita09)