
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Points | all forms | exact matches only
Access content directly from a distribution point when needed by the running task sequenceОбращаться к содержимому непосредственно в точке распространения, если требуется для последовательности задач (Windows Embedded Device Manager 2011 RTM Rori)
Access content from distribution pointОбращаться к содержимому в точке распространения (Windows Embedded Device Manager 2011 RTM Rori)
access point nameТочка доступа (The name of the access point used to establish wireless connectivity)
access point nameимя точки доступа (The name of the access point used to establish wireless connectivity)
active Internet-based software update pointактивная интернет-точка обновления программного обеспечения (microsoft.com bojana)
active software update pointактивная точка обновления программного обеспечения (microsoft.com bojana)
anchor pointначало выделения (The starting point for a selected range of objects. An anchor point is usually established at the object logically nearest the hot spot of a mouse pointer when a user presses a mouse button or touches the tip of a pen to the screen)
Application Catalog web service pointточка веб-службы каталога приложений (A Configuration Manager site system role that provides application information from the Software Library to the Application Catalog website. Rori)
Application Catalog website pointточка веб-сайта каталога приложений (A Configuration Manager site system role that provides users with a list of available software from the Application Catalog Rori)
Asset Intelligence synchronization pointточка синхронизации аналитики активов (microsoft.com bojana)
Asset Intelligence synchronization pointточка синхронизации каталога аналитики активов (A Configuration Manager site system role that connects to System Center Online to download Asset Intelligence catalog information and upload uncategorized titles so that they can be considered for future inclusion in the catalog)
assigned management pointназначенная точка управления (The default management point at the assigned primary site for the Configuration Manager client)
begin pointначальная точка (The selection handle at the beginning of a one-dimensional (1-D) shape. The begin point is marked by an X)
branch distribution pointфилиальная точка распространения (A Configuration Manager site system that has the role of storing package source files and is designed to be located in a distributed location with limited network bandwidth or a limited number of clients)
broadcast publishing pointпункт трансляции широковещательной передачи (A type of publishing point that streams content to multiple users at once, similar to a television broadcast. Content streamed from a broadcast publishing point can be delivered as a multicast or unicast stream)
camera look pointточка обзора (An invisible, distant point on an axis perpendicular to the view plane that the camera is "looking at". When we move it, the camera follows it)
center pointцентральная точка (The point on an object around which the object can be rotated, scaled, or skewed. (When scaling or skewing, the ALT key must be pressed to use the center point as the anchor instead of the opposite edge) The center point starts out in the center of the object, but can be moved anywhere)
certificate revocation list distribution pointточка распространения списка отзыва сертификатов (A certificate extension that indicates where the certificate revocation list for a CA can be retrieved. It can contain none, one, or many HTTP, file, or LDAP URLs)
chapter pointметка раздела (An internal marker used to mark the beginning and the end of a chapter to help navigate DVDs or videos)
code pointкодовая точка (The minimum bit combination that can represent a unit of encoded text for processing or exchange)
code pointэлемент кода
connector pointточка соединения (An element in the Orchestration Designer that enables users to connect a Send/Receive shape with the operation of a port)
data pointточка данных (An individual value plotted in a chart and represented together with other data points by bars, columns, lines, pie or doughnut slices, dots, and various other shapes called data markers. Data markers of the same color constitute a data series)
data point labelsметки точек данных (microsoft.com bojana)
default management pointточка управления по умолчанию
device management pointточка управления мобильными устройствами (A Configuration Manager site system that communicates with mobile device clients and that must be hosted on a Configuration Manager management point)
distribution pointточка распространения (A site system that has the role of storing package source files. Clients contact distribution points to obtain source files when they run advertised programs)
distribution point groupгруппа точки распространения (A set of distribution points that you can manage as a single entity. A distribution point group simplifies management tasks when a site includes too many distribution points to manage individually)
double-precision floating-point formatформат с плавающей запятой двойной точности (A computer number format that occupies 8 bytes (64 bits) in computer memory and represents a wide dynamic range of values by using floating point)
double-precision floating-point formatформат с плавающей запятой двойной точности (A computer number format that occupies 8 bytes (64 bits) in computer memory and represents a wide dynamic range of values by using floating point. Rori)
Endpoint Protection pointточка Endpoint Protection (Роль системы сайта, используемая Configuration Manager для принятия условий лицензионного соглашения Endpoint Protection microsoft.com bojana)
enrollment pointточка регистрации (A Configuration Manager site system role that uses PKI certificates to complete mobile device enrollment and provision Intel AMT-based computers)
enrollment proxy pointпрокси-точка регистрации (A Configuration Manager site system role that manages enrollment requests from mobile devices so that they can be managed by Configuration Manager)
entry pointточка входа (An interface provided by the system that might also be used to gain access to the assets or resources of a system)
extensibility pointточка расширяемости (microsoft.com bojana)
fallback status pointрезервная точка состояния (microsoft.com bojana)
floating pointплавающая запятая (A number represented by a mantissa and an exponent according to a given base. The mantissa is usually a value between 0 and 1. To find the value of a floating-point number, the base is raised to the power of the exponent, and the mantissa is multiplied by the result. Ordinary scientific notation uses floating-point numbers with 10 as the base. In a computer, the base for floating-point numbers is usually 2)
from an architecture point of viewс точки зрения архитектуры (Alex_Odeychuk)
guide pointнаправляющая точка (A guide consisting of two short, intersecting lines that can be placed anywhere on a drawing page or on a shape)
history pointточка предыдущего состояния (A logical navigation point in a Web application that can be represented through state information. The state information can be used to restore the Web application to a previous state, either directly with state data or through some identifier to state information that is stored elsewhere)
insertion pointточка вставки (The location where text or graphics will be inserted. Also used for text box controls to indicate input focus)
install pointточка установки
Internet-based software update pointточка обновления программного обеспечения интернет-клиентов (The software update point for a site that accepts communication from only client computers on the Internet. There can be only one active Internet-based software update point)
issuing distribution pointвыдающая точка распространения (An extension that indicates if the CRL is limited to revocations for end-entity certificates or for CA certificates)
look-at pointнаправление взгляда (The point in the 3D world where the camera is supposed to point. By default, this is the origina (0,0,0). Typically the look-at point specifies where light is focused)
look-from pointточка обзора (The point in the 3D world where the camera is looking from)
max pointsвысший балл (The highest numeric score that a student can receive on an assignment, without being awarded extra credit)
mount pointточка подключения (" A directory on one volume that an application can use to mount a different volume, that is to set it up for use at the location a user specifies. In other words, you can use a mount point as a gateway to the volume. When a volume is mounted at a mount point, users and applications can refer to the mounted volume by the path of the mount point or a drive letter. For example, with a mount point set the user might refer to drive D as "C:\mnt\Ddrive" as well as "D:".")
multi-pointмультиточка (A shape representing a union of a set of positions in a coordinate system)
multicast distribution pointмногоадресная точка распространения (microsoft.com bojana)
multiple points of presenceнесколько точек присутствия (The ability of a single user to sign in to a Lync Server or Office Communications Server server with multiple clients)
multiple points of presenceнесколько точек присутствия (The ability of a single user to sign in to a Lync Server or Office Communications Server server with multiple clients. Rori)
NAP enforcement pointточка NAP (A server or network access device that uses NAP or can be used with NAP to require the evaluation of a NAP client's health state and provide restricted network access or communication. HRA servers, 802.1X switches and wireless access points, NAP-enabled VPN, DHCP, and RD Gateway servers are examples of NAP enforcement points)
NAP enforcement pointточка применения принудительной защиты доступа к сети (NAP – Network Access Protection microsoft.com bojana)
network installation pointsточки сетевой установки (stachel)
network load balanced software update point site systemсистема сайта точки обновления программного обеспечения для балансировки сетевой нагрузки (microsoft.com bojana)
OAB distribution pointточка распространения автономной адресной книги (The HTTP Web address or public folder where client computers can download an offline address book. Public folder distribution is required for Outlook 2003 or earlier clients)
offline address book distribution pointточка распространения автономной адресной книги
on-demand publishing pointпункт трансляции по запросу (A type of publishing point that streams content to clients by request. Content streamed from an on-demand publishing point is always delivered as a unicast stream)
out of band service pointвнешняя точка обслуживания (microsoft.com bojana)
out of band service pointточка обслуживания аппаратного контроллера управления (A Configuration Manager site system that has the role of provisioning computers for out of band management)
pain pointпроблемный вопрос (A particularly urgent and difficult to solve customer problem)
Partner Pointпартнёрский балл (A unit of credit to track an organization's accomplishments to achieve elegibility for different levels in the Partner Program)
Point and Figure chartдиаграмма "крестики-нолики" (A chart that plots day-to-day price movements without taking into consideration the passage of time)
Point and Figure ChartДиаграмма "крестики-нолики" (Не учитывает ход времени и отражает только изменения цен. LisAnieL)
Point ChartТочечная диаграмма (Представляет данные в виде точек. LisAnieL)
point depthглубина точки (The depth of data points displayed in a 3D chart area)
point eventточечное событие (An event occurrence as of a single point in time. Only the start time is required for the event. The CEP server infers the valid end time by adding a tick (the smallest unit of time in the underlying time data type) to the start time to set the valid time interval for the event. Point events are valid only for this single instant of time)
point event modelмодель точечных событий (ssn)
point in time recoveryвосстановление на момент времени
point-in-time planплан вознаграждения "на момент времени" (A compensation plan that is calculated against a base figure taken at a particular point in time. Long-term incentives, such as stock option awards, are often calculated in this way)
point-in-time recoveryвосстановление на определённый момент времени (The process of recovering only the transactions within a log backup that were committed before a specific point in time, instead of recovering the whole backup)
point layerслой точек (The layer in a map report that displays spatial data as points, for examples, points that indicate cities or points of interest. Rori)
point lightточечное освещение (A type of light that is cast outward from a single point in all directions much like a standard light bulb)
point of interestобъект (A location that you select to appear on a map in Concierge. These locations might be, for example, rides on a custom map or restaurants on a Virtual Earth map. A point of interest appears as a numbered circle on the map. You can also recommend points of interest and add more information about them)
point of salePOS-терминал (The place at which the ownership of products is transferred from the seller to the buyer in exchange for payment)
point of termination stationтелефонное подключение (Basic dial telephone connection to the public switched network, without any added features or functions. Until the 1970s, POTS was the only telephone service offered by local telecommunications providers)
point-of-sale activationактивация в пункте продаж (The process of activating tokens during a purchase)
point-to-point connectionсоединение точка-точка (A method of connecting shapes such that the actual point of connection stays the same no matter how you move the connected shapes)
Point-to-Point Protocolпротокол PPP (A set of industry-standard framing and authentication protocols that are included with Windows to ensure interoperability with other remote access software. PPP negotiates configuration parameters for multiple layers of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. The Internet standard for serial communications, PPP defines how data packets are exchanged with other Internet-based systems using a modem connection. PPP is documented in RFC 1661)
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernetпротокол PPPoE (A specification for connecting users on an Ethernet network to the Internet through a broadband connection, such as a single DSL line, wireless device, or cable modem. Using PPPoE and a broadband modem, LAN users can gain individual authenticated access to high-speed data networks. By combining Ethernet and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), PPPoE provides an efficient way to create a separate connection for each user to a remote server)
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocolпротокол PPTP (Networking technology that supports multiprotocol virtual private networks (VPNs), enabling remote users to access corporate networks securely across the Internet or other networks by dialing into an Internet service provider (ISP) or by connecting directly to the Internet. PPTP tunnels, or encapsulates, Internet Protocol (IP) or Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) traffic inside IP packets. This means that users can remotely run applications that depend on particular network protocols. PPTP is described in RFC 2637)
power trip pointточка срабатывания по питанию
preferred distribution pointпредпочтительная точка распространения (A distribution point with an associated boundary group that includes the client's current location on the network)
procedure entry pointточка входа в процедуру
prompt publishing pointпункт публикации приглашений (A file share where storage space is available for Unified Messaging custom prompts. Each dial plan has only one prompt publishing point)
protected distribution pointзащищённая точка распространения (A distribution point that has boundaries set to prevent clients outside of the boundaries from retrieving packages)
protection pointточка восстановления (A record of the computer's system settings and files at a specific moment in time)
proxy management pointпрокси-точка управления (A secondary SMS/Configuration Manager site management point that services the Advanced Clients that are within its boundaries. Advanced Clients can use the proxy management point to request policy, upload inventory data, request package source location, and upload status messages)
publishing pointпункт публикации (An organized memory location that translates a client request for content into the physical path on the server hosting the content. A publishing point essentially acts as a redirector)
publishing pointпункт трансляции (The control point for a single Live Smooth Streaming event)
publishing pointточка публикации (Toria Io)
quota pointединица квоты (The unit by which the virtual machine quota for a self-service user or group is calculated. Each new virtual machine can add zero or more quota points toward virtual machine quotas. The virtual machine template that is used to create the virtual machine determines how many quota points the virtual machine adds. Quota points only apply to the quota while a virtual machine is deployed)
recovery fork pointвилка восстановления (The point (LSN,GUID) at which a new recovery branch is started, every time a RESTORE WITH RECOVERY is performed. Each recovery fork determines a parent-child relationship between the recovery branches. If you recover a database to an earlier point in time and begin using the database from that point, the recovery fork point starts a new recovery path)
recovery pointточка восстановления (The point in the log chain at which rolling forward stops during a recovery)
recovery point volumeтом точек восстановления (A volume on the DPM server that contains the shadow copies and recovery points for a protected data source)
reporting pointточка формирования отчётов (An SMS/Configuration Manager site system that hosts the Report Viewer component for Web-based reporting functionality)
reporting services pointточка служб отчётов (microsoft.com bojana)
resident management pointлокальная точка управления (The closest SMS/Configuration Manager management point to a roaming Advanced Client in an Active Directory environment)
restore pointточка восстановления (A representation of a stored state of your computer's system files)
see a pointвидеть смысл (in + gerund – в ... чём-либо Alex_Odeychuk)
server locator pointточка обнаружения серверов
service connection pointточка подключения службы (An Active Directory node on which system administrators can define Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM) management permissions for users and groups)
shared distribution pointобщая точка распространения (A distribution point in a Configuration Manager 2007 hierarchy that clients can use to download the content and packages that have been migrated to System Center 2012 Configuration Manager)
Show data point values on hoverПоказывать значения точек данных при наведении указателя (Office System 2010 Rori)
snap pointточка прикрепления (A location (both interval and non-interval) where the position of the content comes to rest after the user has completed their interaction. Rori)
software update pointточка обновления программного обеспечения (A Configuration Manager site role that is configured on a computer running WSUS)
software update point site roleроль сайта точки обновления программного обеспечения (microsoft.com bojana)
state migration pointточка миграции состояния (A Configuration Manager site system role that stores user state data while a computer is being migrated to a new operating system)
System Health Validator pointточка средства проверки работоспособности системы (microsoft.com bojana)
System Health Validator pointточка проверки работоспособности систем (The tool in the Configuration Manager console that is used to browse the status messages in the Configuration Manager site database)
test pointтестовая точка (A pairing of a test case and a test configuration)
Time-only entry pointточка входа, в которой записывается только время (An entry point where only the processing time will be captured, without any runtime variables)
trim pointsточки монтажа (The points where playback of a file or clip begins and ends. There are two trim points: start trim point and end trim point)
update pointточка обновления (microsoft.com bojana)
utility control pointточка управления служебной программой (A network node that provides the central reasoning point for the SQL Server Utility. It uses Utility Explorer in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to organize and monitor SQL Server resource health)
vanishing pointточка схода (A point that represents where the perspective recedes in your drawing. You can move the vanishing point to any location on the drawing page. When you drag a raised block shape onto this drawing page, the shape orients so that its perspective lines point to the vanishing point)
volume mount pointточка подключения тома (A point of access to a volume (or multiple volumes) that users and applications can use to unify disparate file systems into one logical system)
white pointточка белого (The lightest color that can be reproduced by a display device. Black point and white point are set to achieve optimal highlights and shadows in an image)
Windows extensibility pointsточки расширения Windows (A mechanism that an app can use to interact with the system or with other apps. You must declare extensibility points in the package manifest. Rori)
Windows extensibility pointsточки расширения Windows (A mechanism that an app can use to interact with the system or with other apps. You must declare extensibility points in the package manifest)
wireless access pointточка беспроводного доступа (A device used to connect wireless computers and other wireless devices to a wired network)
802.1X-capable wireless access pointточка беспроводного доступа с поддержкой стандарта 802.1X (A network access server that adheres to both the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.1X and the Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service (RADIUS) standards, and that is deployed in networks to enforce 802.1X authenticated IEEE 802.3 wired Ethernet access)