
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing Points | all forms
a case in point isпример этого
an additional point is thatкроме того (Leonid Dzhepko)
at one pointв какой-то момент (At one point I remember just sort of saying to myself, I have to stop taking drugs but I need support. ART Vancouver)
at this pointв наше время (I think everyone understands at this point that the use of pesticides on lawns is an environmentally unsound practice. -- По-моему, в наше время все понимают, что ... ART Vancouver)
at this point I'd like toздесь я хотел бы (возразить, напомнить и т.д.; ...)
before moving to the next point I need toПрежде чем перейти к следующему вопросу, мне необходимо ...
from a ... point of viewс точки зрения (from a citizen's and taxpayer's point of view – с точки зрения гражданина и налогоплательщика ART Vancouver)
good pointточно подмечено (Good point. ART Vancouver)
he has a point thereв этом он прав
... isn't the pointдело не в ("Don't you trust me?" "Trust isn't the point, people can have infections without realising it." ART Vancouver)
it got to the point whereдошло до того, что (It got to the point where I really didn't want to go out and meet people. I would panic if the phone rang. It was scary. ART Vancouver)
keep to the pointговорите по существу
point takenсогласен с вами (по поводу чего-л.: Point taken about the pressure factor, but I can't help feeling that the studying philosophy can afford the student useful tools when it comes to interpreting philosophical texts. • "Despite the cold and wind, I urge you to enjoy a walk today. The beauty is undeniable, big whitecaps on the water, and it's not cold. As someone who has worked from home for over 25 years, I know the importance of seizing sunny moments!" "Point taken. Thanks for the nudge, out I go!" (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
point to sth. as an exampleпривести что-л. в качестве примера (Some near-death experiencers return with information they could not have known prior to the NDE. As an example, Long pointed to accounts of experiencers who encountered people in the afterlife they did not know were dead. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
terse and to the pointкратко и по существу ("Terse and to the point." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)) ART Vancouver)
that is not the pointне в этом дело (That is not the point. What I'm saying is that some bus drivers should not be on the road. I just saw a near-accident caused by a transit bus travelling in the right turn lane and blowing straight through the intersection. The guy turning left was almost T-boned. ART Vancouver)
there's no point inнет смысла (+ gerund: There's no point in returning to this topic, he's made up his mind. • There's no point in putting more money into the broken system.)
there's no point in + object + gerundнет смысла (There's no point in me coming down, I'll just mail them the cheque. -- Мне нет смысла ... ART Vancouver)
to the point thatдо такой степени, что (The city said that after receiving two third-party engineering reports on the current fire and structural risks, it became clear the hotel has deteriorated to the point that it poses a danger to the public and adjacent buildings. vancouverisawesome.com ART Vancouver)
to the point whereдо такой степени, что (A close friend's spouse is in business real estate downtown and they're seeing a huge drop in interest for new leases, to the point where they're looking at changing their career focus. reddit.com ART Vancouver)
what is the point of a ...?в чём смысл ...? (What is the point of an election here in Canada if the losers can gang up and toss out the winner? I don't think this is what democracy is about. ART Vancouver)
you have missed the point of the storyвы не поняли сути рассказа