
Terms for subject Figure of speech containing Point Of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
point of beginningотправная точка (I'm not going to let myself get euphoric but, still, I have a feeling we might be at a point of beginning. There did seem to be something of a chemistry between the General Secretary and myself. Certainly it was different from talking to Gromyko. (Ronald Reagan's letter, Feb 10, 1986) -- мы находимся в отправной точке ART Vancouver)
point of lightпроблеск света (maystay)
point the finger of scorn atпоказывать пальцем на кого-либо насмехаться над кем-либо презрительно о ком-либо отзываться
to the point of collapseдо упаду (Leonid Dzhepko)
to the point of exhaustionдо упаду (Leonid Dzhepko)