
Terms for subject Rude containing Pieces | all forms
nice little pieceмилашка (Taras)
phoney piece of shitфуфло (блатной жаргон: ничтожный человек, не заслуживающий довеpия, заведомая ложь: Bob Dobson as mayor. What a phoney piece of shit! Wow. It just goes to show that most voters are deaf, dumb, and blind. Four more years of BS. ART Vancouver)
piece of fleshтовар
piece of fleshдевка
piece of fleshбабёнка
piece of goodsдевица (Taras)
piece of goodsдевка (Taras)
piece of shitушлёпок (MichaelBurov)
piece-of-shit carколымага (Technical)
she was the hottest piece of goods he ever hadТакая горячая девка у него была впервые (Taras)
smart piece of shitумник (Tell your smart piece of shit I'm not going to do it! Get it? ART Vancouver)