
Terms for subject General containing Physician | all forms | exact matches only
a council of physiciansдокторская консультация
a fugitive physicianстранствующий доктор
a physician in ordinaryдомашний доктор
a physician's unprofessional conductнарушение врачебной этики
a right-to-die bill will allow physicians to remove life-support systems from patients who have authorized such action in advanceзаконопроект о праве на смерть разрешит врачам отключать поддерживающую жизнь аппаратуру с предварительного согласия пациента
acting physicianзауряд-врач
Alexander and his Physician Philip"Александр и его врач Филлип"
American College of PhysiciansАмериканский колледж терапевтов
Association of American PhysiciansАссоциация американских врачей
attending physicianлечащий врач (In the United States and Canada, an attending physician (also known as an attending, rendering doc, or staff physician) is a physician who has completed residency and practises medicine in a clinic or hospital, in the specialty learned during residency. ... The term "attending physician" or "attending" also refers to the formal relationship of a hospitalized patient and their primary doctor during the hospitalization, as opposed to ancillary physicians assisting the primary doctor. However, even on a consultation service, at an academic center, the physician who has finished his training is called the attending or consultant, as opposed to a resident physician. Alexander Demidov)
attending physicianординатор
budding physicianначинающий врач (Andrey Truhachev)
Certificate of the Royal College of Physiciansудостоверение Королевского колледжа врачей (Великобритания)
chief physicianглавврач (A chief physician, also called a head physician, physician in chief, senior consultant, or chief of medicine, is a physician in a senior management position at a hospital or other institution. In many institutions, it is the title of the most senior physician, but it may also be used as the title of the most senior physician of a particular department within a larger institution. A chief physician generally is in charge of medical matters and often is the superior of other physicians (including consultants and attending physicians), but may also be in charge of other professional groups and areas of responsibility. wikipedia.org 4uzhoj)
chief public health physicianглавный санитарный врач (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
clinical physicianклиницист
community physicianрайонный врач
consulting physicianконсультант
consulting physicianлечащий врач
consulting physicianврач-консультант
council of physiciansконсилиум врачей
council of physiciansврачебный консилиум
deputy chief physicianзаместитель главврача (WiseSnake)
deputy head physicianзаместитель главного врача (votono)
Doctor but not a physicianдоктор, но не врач (shapker)
eclectic physicianврач-травник
family physicianврач общей практики
Fellow of the American College of Physiciansчлен Американского терапевтического колледжа
Fellow of the College of Physicians and Surgeonsчлен Колледжа врачей и хирургов
Fellow of the Royal College of Physiciansчлен совета лондонской Королевской коллегии терапевтов (Johnny Bravo)
Fellow of the Royal College of Physiciansчлен Королевского терапевтического колледжа (Великобритания)
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburghчлен совета Королевской коллегии терапевтов Эдинбурга (Johnny Bravo)
Fellow of the Royal Society of Physicians and Surgeonsчлен Королевского терапевтического и хирургического общества (Великобритания)
forensic physicianсудебный медик (Andrey Truhachev)
forensic physicianсудмедэксперт (Andrey Truhachev)
forensic physicianсудебно-медицинский эксперт (Andrey Truhachev)
general physicianврач-терапевт (Alexander Demidov)
he had it in contemplation to offer himself a candidate for a fellowship in the London College of Physiciansон подумывал о том, чтобы предложить свою кандидатуру на должность научного сотрудника в Медицинский Колледж в Лондоне
he is a physician by tradeон по профессии врач
house physicianврач общебольничного штата (A physician, especially an intern or resident who cares for hospitalized patients under the supervision of the surgical and medical staff of a hospital. 4uzhoj)
house physicianдомашний врач
house-physicianживущий при больнице
house physicianврач
I was cured by a famous physicianменя вылечил знаменитый врач
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear WarМеждународное движение Врачи мира за предотвращение ядерной войны
license a physicianдать диплом на доктора
Licentiate of the College of Physicians and Surgeonsлиценциат Колледжа терапевтов и хирургов
Licentiate of the Royal College of Physiciansлиценциат Королевского терапевтического колледжа (Великобритания)
other than as prescribed by a physicianбез предписания врача (Alexander Demidov)
physician-assisted suicideмедикаментозный уход из жизни (hizman)
physician-assisted suicideсамоубийство при помощи врача (lexicographer)
physician caring for patientлечащий врач (из счета больницы Wakemed, Cary, NC 4uzhoj)
physician-godбог врачевания (Асклепий)
physician liability insuranceстрахование профессиональной ответственности врачей (Alexander Demidov)
physician-patient privilegeпривилегия на сохранение врачебной тайны
Physician's Codeэтический кодекс врачей (scherfas)
Physician's Codeкодекс этики врачей (scherfas)
Physicians' Continuing Education Institute seems to be right...института усовершенствования врачей (Tanya Gesse)
Physicians for Social ResponsibilityВрачи за социальную ответственность
practise as a physicianзаниматься медициной (as a public accountant, as a lawyer, etc., и т.д.)
practise as a physicianбыть врачом (as a public accountant, as a lawyer, etc., и т.д.)
practise as a physicianработать врачом (as a public accountant, as a lawyer, etc., и т.д.)
prospective physicianначинающий врач (Andrey Truhachev)
resident physicianживущий при больнице
resident physicianврач
Royal College of PhysiciansКоролевский колледж врачей (Великобритания)
seek medical assistance from a physicianобратиться к врачу за медицинской помощью (Alexander Demidov)
seek medical help for an illness from a physicianобратиться к врачу за медицинской помощью в связи с болезнью (Alexander Demidov)
significant, separately identifiable e/m service by the same physician on the same day of the procedure or other serviceобъективно необходимая некомбинированная лечебно-диагностическая услуга, оказанная тем же врачом в день проведения процедуры / другой услуги (e/m = evaluation and management / see modifier 25 – перевод черновой, подправляйте 4uzhoj)
sleep physicianврач-сомнолог (DoctorKto)
staff physicianординатор
STI physicianвенеролог (VLZ_58)
Tashkent Institute of Physicians ImprovementТашИУВ (Ташкентский институт усовершенствования враче eugeene1979)
teaching physicianврач-преподаватель (Alexander Demidov)
the college of physicians in Londonлондонский медицинский факультет
the physician pronounced him to be healthyврач сообщил, что он здоров
the physicians have given him overдоктора не надеются на его выздоровление
the profession of a physicianврачебная деятельность
time must be her physicianвремя её исцелит
Union of American PhysiciansСоюз американских врачей
you, as a physician, will understand it at onceвы, как врач, сразу поймёте