
Terms containing Personal Records | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
libr.bibliographic record under personal nameбиблиографическая запись под именем лица
abbr.Electronic personal health recordЭПМЗ (Vorbild)
med.Electronic personal health recordэлектронная персональная медицинская запись (Vorbild)
gen.employee personal record formличная карточка на сотрудника (Morning93)
gen.he turned in a personal best time which is only two seconds outside the European recordон установил свой личный рекорд, который только на две секунды уступает европейскому (Taras)
mil.personal financial recordфинансовая расчётная карточка военнослужащего
health.personal health recordличная медицинская карта (электронная медицинская карта, которую можно вести самостоятельно MyxuH)
rec.mngmtpersonal recordличное дело
gen.personal recordдокумент персонального учёта (Alexander Demidov)
mil.personal recordхарактеристика
avia., med.personal recordзапись в личном деле
gen.personal recordличный документ (Азери)
account.personal record-keepingперсонифицированный учёт (собственный перевод Tiny Tony)
lawpersonal record-keeping dataСПУ (Сведения персонифицированного учета VeronicaIva)
gen.personal recordsличные документы (The term personal records2 means all documentary materials, or any reasonably segregable portion thereof, of a purely private or nonpublic character which do not relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President. Such term includes – (A) diaries, journals, or other personal notes serving as the functional equivalent of a diary or journal which are not prepared or utilized for, or circulated or communicated in the course of, transacting Government business; (B) materials relating to private political associations, and having no relation to or direct effect upon the carrying out of constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President; and (C) materials relating exclusively to the President's own election to the office of the Presidency; and materials directly relating to the election of a particular individual or individuals to Federal, State, or local office, which have no relation to or direct effect upon the carrying out of constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President. archivists.org Alexander Demidov)
gen.personal recordsперсональные данные (работника Lavrov)
rec.mngmtpersonal recordsличное дело
mil.personal records maintenanceучёт и ведение личных дел (ЛС)
pharma.personal training recordперсональная карта учёта прохождения обучения (GGR)
ed.pupil's personal recordличное дело ученика (Johnny Bravo)
gen.record a personal historyзаписать на плёнку чью-либо биографию
mil.record of personal achievementкарточка поощрений военнослужащего