
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Peering | all forms
BGP peerузел BGP (A peer connected to other peers on the Border Gateway Protocol level)
BGP peeringпиринг BGP (The process of route exchange between peers via the Border Gateway Protocol)
Can't connect to the global peer-to-peer network.не удаётся подключиться к глобальной одноранговой сети (Windows 8 Rori)
Connection reset by peerСброс подключения другим компьютером (Andy)
Create a node in a peer to peer network.Создание узла в одноранговой сети (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
Defines a binding for peer channel specific TCP messagingОпределяет привязку для обмена сообщениями TCP применительно к каналу одноранговой сети (Visual Studio Web Tooling 2012 Rori)
peer-cachingодноранговое кэширование (The process of temporarily storing recently accessed information in a special memory subsystem shared by two or more peer systems)
peer-to-peerодноранговый (An item in Control Panel that opens a dialog box that allows the user to set preferences for a peer-to-peer network)
peer-to-peer graphодноранговый граф (The worldwide collection of networks and gateways that use the TCP/IP suite of protocols to communicate with one another)
peer-to-peer networkодноранговая сеть (A group of computers that are connected on a network and share resources, such as printers and files)
Peer-to-peer network initialization failedОшибка при инициализации одноранговой сети (Windows 7 Rori)
peer-to-peer replicationодноранговая репликация (A type of transactional replication. In contrast to read-only transactional replication and transactional replication with updating subscriptions, the relationships between nodes in a Peer to Peer replication topology are peer relationships rather than hierarchical ones, with each node containing identical schema and data)
peer-to-peer replication topologyтопология одноранговой репликации (microsoft.com bojana)
peer-to-peer sessionодноранговый сеанс
peer-to-peer technologyодноранговая технология (A technology that enables computers to communicate directly with each other over the Internet or a private network without the need for a server. Rori)
peer-to-peer transactional replicationодноранговая репликация транзакций (microsoft.com bojana)
Rejoin the peer-to-peer networkПовторная попытка присоединения к одноранговой сети (Windows 8 Rori)
team of peersкоманда равных (An organizational work model that emphasizes the use of small, cohesive teams of role specialists who communicate on an equal basis in the accomplishment of their individual and group tasks. This work model contrasts to that of the traditional top-down, linear-structure work model, and has been functionally proven in a variety of different organizations, cultures, and project sizes)