
Terms for subject Historical containing Pass | all forms | exact matches only
Battle of Roncevaux PassРонсевальская битва (Yo-to-to-wi)
Pass of ThermopylaeФермопильское ущелье
pass toперейти к (во владение: "The motte and bailey castle was built by one of the early Earls of Chester around 1100. It was rebuilt in 1220 by Ranulph de Blondeville, 4th Earl of Chester, and a curtain wall was added. It passed by marriage to William de Ferrers, Earl of Derby and remained in the Ferrers family until 1453, when it passed to Walter Devereux through his wife, Elizabeth Ferrers. Walter was killed at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485. britainirelandcastles.com ART Vancouver)
the Pass of ThermopylaeФермопильское ущелье
this too shall passи это пройдёт (king Solomon's ring iorina)