
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Paragraph | all forms | exact matches only
Changes the background shading of paragraphs and table cellsИзменение заливки абзацев и ячеек таблицы (Word 2016 Rori)
paragraph formattingформатирование абзаца (Formatting that controls the appearance of a paragraph. Examples include indentation, alignment, line spacing, and pagination)
paragraph indentотступ абзаца (Displacement of the left or right edge of a block of text in a paragraph in relation to the margin or to other blocks of text)
paragraph markзнак абзаца (The nonprinting ¶ character that Microsoft Office Word inserts when you press ENTER to end a paragraph. The paragraph mark stores the formatting you apply to the paragraph)
paragraph styleстиль абзаца (A combination of character and paragraph-formatting characteristics that are named and stored as a set. You can select a paragraph and use the style to apply all of the formatting characteristics to the paragraph at one time)
Split apart page break and paragraph markРазделять разрывы страниц и знаки абзацев (Word 2007 Rori)