
Terms for subject Politics containing PAN | all forms | exact matches only
Pan-African CouncilПанафриканский союз (сокр. PAC ssn)
Pan-African ParliamentПанафриканский парламент (imajenation)
Pan-African Payment and Settlement SystemПанафриканская система платежей и расчётов (Alexander Oshis)
Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Eradication CampaignПанафриканская кампания по ликвидации мухи цеце и трипаносомоза (grafleonov)
pan americanвсеамериканский (Alexander Matytsin)
Pan-Americanaпанамериканизм (= Pan-Americanism ssn)
pan-Arab forceобъединённые арабские вооружённые силы (ssn)
Pan-Asiaticпаназиатский (ssn)
pan-European institutionобщеевропейская организация (ssn)
Pan-Islamicпанисламистский (ssn)
pan-Turkistпантюркист (Aelred)
pots and pans demonstrationмарш пустых кастрюль (There were two events, one the miners’ strike that has been well publicized, which apparently was undertaken to bring down the government or it may have had that as its objective. And the other is the “pots and pans” demonstration that took place earlier, much to the embarrassment of the Government, I think. Were we involved in any way in either of those activities? state.gov Alexander Oshis)
pots and pans protestмарш пустых кастрюль (For the past week, furious French people have revived a much older form of protest: the casserolade, or “pots and pans protest”, after Macron pushed through the unpopular law. • Having started in Salamanca, the pots and pans protest has caught on around the capital and has been repeated in Malaga and Seville. theguardian.com Alexander Oshis)