
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing Other | all forms | exact matches only
covering each other's backsкруговая порука (Maggie)
in other wordsпроще говоря (Does she have the right work experience and skills – in other words, can she do the job? Val_Ships)
in virtually every other areaпочти во всех областях (Val_Ships)
like no otherкак ничто другое (a challenge like no other Val_Ships)
like no otherуникальный в своём роде (refers to something being unique in its own way Val_Ships)
nary otherни одного (I must have it back as I have nary other copy. Val_Ships)
none other thanникто другой как (Val_Ships)
none other thanне кто другой, как (response came from none other than Cher Val_Ships)
one hand washing the otherкруговая порука (Slang expression Maggie)
one way or the otherтем или иным образом (One way or the other, this project must be finished by March first. Val_Ships)
one way or the otherкак бы там ни было (One way or the other, I'm going to finish this job next week. Val_Ships)
other thanесли не считать (Other than a new jacket, I bought no special clothes for the wedding. Val_Ships)
other way aroundс обратной стороны (It doesn't make any sense like that. It belongs the other way around. Val_Ships)
other way aroundс противоположной стороны (Val_Ships)
other way roundзадом наперёд (No, it won't fit that way. Try it the other way round. Val_Ships)
the other way aroundс противоположной стороны (No, it won't fit that way. Try it the other way round. Val_Ships)
the other way aroundс обратной стороны (No, it won't fit that way. Try it the other way round. Val_Ships)
the other way aroundнаоборот ("You know,' he said in a confidential voice, 'your face and my ass bear a suspicious resemblance.' – 'I've noticed the resemblance, but last time I thought it was the other way around," I said... (S.King) Yegor)
they deserve each otherодного поля ягода (Val_Ships)
they deserve each otherдва сапога пара (Val_Ships)
whole other levelсовершенно новый уровень (chiefcanelo)
whole other levelсовершенно иной уровень (chiefcanelo)